Anthony/ The voice chip

Anthony was abandoned car.

His owners were very cruel. Heck, it's miracle that his main chip wasn't corrupted.

One day he appeared to the Super Car's base's territory. It took time for him to get used to others but he felt safe there. Fear of humans disappeared. Finaly he felt like home.

Titian fixed Atlas. He was in bad shape. Anthony couldn't stop himself thinking:" Please be alright. He is strong." Then Titian walked towards her Super Cars. "How's with Atlas?" Ilaria asked. "I was able to mainly fix him...," Titian said:" But his voice chip. I wasn't able to save it." Everybody casped. "But you're mechanic wizard," said Axel:" You want to say that he is without his voice for his life?" "I can't order a new one ether," Titian said:" We need his real voice to rebuild it."

Anthony helped Titian to take Atlas into his room. The girl leaved with her blue Super Car. Anthony joined with others. "We should have known that earlier that Atlas is gone," Axel said.

"I almost got him," said purple Lamborghini to himself. He knew that Ilaria was close to Atlas when he was almost get rid of the Camaro. He could have defeated her when he didn't have so low energy.

"Do you need any help?" asked someone. Lamborghini looked around and saw a teenage girl with two braids.

Her hair was dark as the night. Her clothing matched with her hair. She weared dark short jeans and long dark stockings. Her long sleeved shirt was also dark.

"I am Harriet," she said:"I have a big robot factory." "Maybe i should give her a change," Emerson thought and asked her:" What do you want?" The girl said:" I need your help. Well i don't have a car."

Atlas was still unconscious. Titian beside him was looking for the way to rebuild the undeveloped voice chip. "Why you have to be with to much parts?" Titian asked quietly:" What if there is no way to fix it?" "We have a big problem," called Silver:" Mum said that there are flying robots in the city."

There was indeed flying robots. They were like gastropod shells. They were big as car wheel. And they were with guns.

The Techcity was in big trouble.