Destruction part 2

Echo drove towards the door.

"Don't let him leave!" Harriet shouted. The robot activated and tried to crab white Lamborghini but Echo was quicker. Soon the front door was down and Echo in the middle of the forest. He changed his wheels to off-road wheels. He was safe there.

Atlas helped the mayor to his house. "You are hero!" said the mayor.

There was enough room for cars so Atlas desided to make sure that the man was safe. He heard something chilling. "What my daughter wants to do now?" asked the mayor. Mayor's daughter is behind this? Atlas must let the team know. But before he could leave, the large robot captured him with it's hands and couldn't let go. Atlas tried to shake himself free but it was no use. Atlas tooted to get help.

Echo was still wandering in the forest. There was no signal so he tried to get to the city with his senses.

"Where is it?" asked Titian. She realized that the gun was missing. "I am not stupit enough to take it," said Axel. Ilaria then shouted:" Atlas!"

Evil was satisfied that Atlas is captured. "Echo was hard to control but he may be piece of cake," he said. Echo saw that the robot was holding Atlas. "I have to help him!" he shouted and drove towards it. He activated his gear and frozed the robot. It let Atlas go. To make his landing softer, he fired snow at the road. "You!" Evil shouted.

"Where is he?" asked Axel:" Again." Grace ran to the base and shouted:" Atlas was captured and was taken to villain HQ! And he realized that it is mayor's daughter, who is behind all this."

At same time Echo was fireing ice cubes at Evil. When he was done then he towed Atlas to safe place. There he checked him over and saw no harm on him. But he was unconscious because he wasted his energy from calling help.

Echo said gently to him:"Rest, buddy. You're safe now."