Hold on

Two cars looked at each other.

"You're a criminal, Alcee," Ilaria said. Alcee rolled her eyes and said:" And you're a spy." She drove closer to pink Toyota and said:" Remember, when you tell anyone about my plan then i will personally deactivate your blue friend." Ilaria was shocked.

The accident happened few days after.

Atlas was being transported to the repair garage. "We may have lost another racer," the announcer said.

Mechanic checked Atlas over. Camaro was unconscious. Team was too upset to say anything. Mechanic walked closer to them and said:" He is functinal...but i don't know how long."

When team was in hallway then Ilaria said quietly:" It's Alcee's doing. She wanted that that happened." She was quiet but her team heard it. Heather wasn't too far from them so she heard Toyota. "How could she?" Heather asked.

Alcee was satisfied with Atlas' accident. He was out of her way now. "Why are you doing this?" Heather asked as she drove near to Alcee:" I thought that we are friends. But now i know that you just want to harm everyone." Alcee understood that Ilaria has told her team about Alcee's sceme. Alcee said:" It's for the raitings. There are more fans when something will happen to him. But it's for me too. I will win everytime."

Titian was trying to fix Atlas. "Hold on," she whispered to young car.

Others were looking at the footage in Alcee's behavour in the race. Rockwell suddenly asked softly:" Why those things are happening to Atlas?" Suddenly Ilaria saw something in the background. "What is this thing what Maria is pushing?" she asked. Rockwell said:" Maybe that's what is controling cars. You have a good eye." When Ilaria was a human then she could have blushed.

Alcee drove next to Maria. "Still looking your long lost sister?" Alcee asked. Maria nodded. Alcee then got into the business:" Ilaria choosed that we'll deactivate her friend, Atlas." Maria suddenly asked:" Why are we still doing it? Haven't we done enough harm?" Alcee said little bit loudly:" I never have enough."

Titian opened Camaro's hood and took something out from it and connected it with her tablet. "That will make sure that he survives," she thought:" The body is beyond repair. But i already have taken care of it. I just hope that chips are alright." She left the room. Just then Alcee and Maria went inside the garage. Alcee activated her cannon.

"Bon Voyage!" Alcee said.