A/N I guess, there's not a lot of Lance fanfics that aren't Klance or aren't LancexReader, so I decided to make one. The artwork above is an older doodle of mine I based her looks of it so please do not steal it!
Btw I'm not the best writer and I would love constructive criticism! Off we go!
The Paladins were hovering around the center console as Coran made a scan for any distress signals sent out, old or new.
"Princess," Coran called nervously to Allura, "We are getting a strange message from an unknown source."
Allura hesitated, "Play it please." Coran nodded and pressed a few buttons on his control panel before a voice echoed throughout the room.
It was just singing
Whoever was singing was definitely female, her voice so beautifully laced with emotion it gave everyone on the Castleship very a strong reaction.
"That song, it's familiar." Lance spoke first.
"But what is it?." Hunk asked, looking scared.
"I have no idea." Allura's eyebrows were furrowed as she stared at everyone's shocked faces.
"How is it familiar to all of us?" Keith wondered aloud.
"I-I don't know but guys, whoever's singing sounds.." Pidge's voice trailed off, searching for the words.
"They sounded like they're not just singing a song, but their singing a song we all know, but, it doesn't have any words?" Keith pondered, eyes narrow pas he stared at the computer, "What song is everyone hearing?"
"I don't know, can you turn it up Coran?" At Lance's request Coran turned it up. The Paladins, unbeknownst to them, began to fall into a trance. Swaying slightly to the voice and leaning forwards, their minds becoming hazy as all they could think about was the song. Lance only noticed the trance when he tripped and broke it briefly.
"What the quiznak?" His voice ripped everyone out of their trances, like it was through a megaphone instead of a weak mutter.
"You are not using that word correctly." Keith hissed but Lance ignored him.
"Coran! Turn that noise off! Coran? Coran!" Allura's demands for Coran were useless. He was the closest to the noise and was completely lost in the song. Trance-Coran fumbled for the console.
"What do we do?" Hunk whimpered but Coran decided for them. He lurched the Castleship forwards at top speed then, so quickly it made everyone except Coran fall. Putting it into a nose dive straight towards the planets surface.
^^^ Cordelia's P.O.V. ^^^
I ceased my singing and twisted my royal purple tail to faced the sky. Just staring at the lilac colored sky and it's blue clouds, enjoying the beauty. I sighed and crossed my arms on the solid, dry ground before placing my chin in my arms.
Until I heard something, almost like, footsteps and a quiet gasp.
I whipped my head around so quick I almost gave myself whip-lash. There stood five Mervanians, no, not Mervanians.
They had legs, and were dressed in a strange armor.
I gave a frightened yelp and pressed my back against the cold stone, inching downwards towards the water when a person in white and pink armor took a step towards me. They took off their helmet revealing a female face with dark skin, tied back white hair, and light pink Altean marks.
"An Altean?" I murmured without thinking. The woman looked at me with slack surprise but the one in green spoke.
"What-what are you?"
I glanced down at my bottom half, hidden by the deep blue water. I could see through it just fine but they are land creatures so it must have looked murky. My brain worked furiously as I tried to figure out my situation.
If she was an Altean, assuming they all are as well, they always believed in peace first so she wouldn't attack unless I attacked. I glanced at the others with her. They were all possibly male, except the green one, I couldn't tell just by sight for them. They were all dressed in different colors, blue, red, yellow, green, and pink all looking at me in shock. I flicked my tail nervously before diving underneath the water. I stared up and saw them all huddle in a circle around the entrance to the water in the dark cave.
I was a good distance away from them when I made a very rash decision. I moved my tail furiously and I shot towards the surface, cutting through the water with ease.
I broke the surface, the force I jumped with making me hover a foot above from their heads. I twisted and dove back into the water.
My head bobbed above the water's surface, my strawberry blonde hair floating around me carelessly.
"Now what are you?" I asked the gobsmacked people, unable to stop myself from smirking a little at their reactions. They answered, well. Not really, they spoke at least.
"Do you have a name." The person in red asked rather rudely.
"Do you?" He looked slightly taken aback from my sharp response. He made a small tsk noise.
"I'm Keith, that's Allura." He jerked his head at the Altean woman, "That's Hunk and Pidge." He listed off the remaining two in the order they sat around the water but he left out the blue armored man.
"The name's Lance, I'm the Paladin of the blue Lion, part of Voltron." He said, doing a stupid little bow.
My eyes widened and I stared at him. He looked like he expected me to fall in love with him at the sound of his name.
"You?" I shivered, "You're the ones that pilot the strongest weapon in the galaxy?"
They all nodded
"Defeaters of the Galra empire?"
I resisted asking them how I was still alive if that were the case, and instead settled for eyeing Lance in a wary fashion.
"And what is your name?" The rude one-Keith, asked.
"My name's Cordelia." I shrugged and drifted a little farther away from them, uncomfortable with how weirdly they were staring at me.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful mermaid." What is a mermaid? Lance whipped off his helmet and shot me a charming smile.
"Is he always like this?" I asked, drifting away more.
"Yes." Everyone except Lance said in unison. He visibly shrunk and slid his helmet back on like it would protect his ego.
"Can I please touch your tail?" Pidge blurted out suddenly, and I looked at her, slightly startled. I nodded slowly and twisted so the fin rested against the rock so she could touch it. She reached a small hand out and just, tapped the fin. Allura looked at me nervously, silently asking. I nodded again and she touched it too muttering something under her breath.
"We came here for a reason," Hunk spoke suddenly, "We picked up someone singing and it out us into a trance. We almost crashed here, where it was coming from. It broke as soon as..." His voice died off when he saw the look on my face. I tucked my tail back under, mainly from shock.
"How could you have picked up on me singing?" I gaped at them and the gaped straight back. I went underwater slightly so my god smacked mouth was hidden.
"What? That was you" Lance squinted at me as he leaned forwards dangerously. I felt my cheeks heat up under his intense gaze. I swam backwards a bit to get away from him but he just leaned farther forwards.
Something very bad happened very suddenly.
Lance must have A) overestimated his balancing skills, B) lost his grip, C) slipped, or D) someone pushed him in, but no matter the cause, he came plummeting off of the ground and on top of me. His sheer weight sent me underwater at least 20 feet and I just hovered there, frozen as he smashed on top of me. My cheeks went flaming red as I realized how close he was to me as well as on top of me awkwardly. I saw his cheeks go red as well from under his helmet before he smirked at me.
"Hey." His voice was strangely deep and my mouth fell open slightly, opening and closing like I was a fish. My embarrassment quickly turned to anger and I grit my teeth at him, glaring into his soul.
I punched him straight in the chest, knocking the wind from him, then grabbed him roughly by the wrist and flapped my tail violently to propel us towards the surface. As soon as we were within arms-length of the surface I stopped and flung him towards the surface. His head broke the surface and I gave him one more loathing look before swimming off into the sea.
Lance's P.O.V
"Smooth, really smooth loverboy." The first thing Keith said to me the moment I was out of the water and standing on land.
"I slipped! This ground is slippery!" I snapped at him angrily. I turned and closed me eyes, damn, that girl was scary. I swore her eyes glowed when she glared at me but that might have just been the shock. I shook my head clear of the image. I turned on my heel and went to leave the cold cave, longing for the warmth of the Castleship it always provided.
"Where do you think your going?" Allura asked and I stopped my walk.
"Uh, the Castleship!"
"We have to find their main kingdom, make sure we have an ally on our side." Allura chided and I groaned.
"No no no no! Not today Satan!" I waved my hands around angrily but nobody seemed fazed. Even Allura, who probably didn't know who Satan was. "I am out!"
"Well you don't have a choice." Keith said and I glared at him viciously.
"Keith's right," Pidge chimed in, "I'm assuming their kingdom is underwater and the Blue Lion is best there."
I grumbled a few insults under my breath. "Fine."
"Good, I'll get Coran to run a scan to help us find them." Allura said happily but I just glowered at her.
Coran's voice spoke through our helmets, "Already on it!" A few seconds passed before he spoke again, "Uploading the location to the Blue Lion as we speak."
"Thank you Coran, now lets go!" Keith said.
^ time skip brought to you by Coran's mustache ^
The Blue Lion quickly went to the location of where Coran had found what looked like the main castle.
"I still don't like this." Lance informed the others from inside the Blue Lion.
"Gee, I guess we better turn back now! Lance doesn't like this!" Pidge said, her voice dripping sarcasm. Lance turned in his seat, smiling happily that she was on his side.
"Yes, finally! Thank you Pid- oh you were being sarcastic?"
"Oh nooo! I am soo sorry Lance."
"Cut it out guys," Keith interrupted, "Let's go under."
Lance complied (not happily) by putting the Blue Lion into a nosedive towards the water. They sliced through the water easily and soon enough, they were thousands of feet underwater. It's yellow eyes acted like beacons, lighting the murky blue water so they could see.
"Wow." Hunk breathed.
Wow indeed.
They had landed right in the front of a massive silver gate, lined with pearls and glowing with a blueish light. It had walls of seaweed surrounding a massive castle that jutted up towards the surface. It was a warm blush color that had hundreds of mermaid people staring at the Lion.
A shrill alarm rang from the castle, making all the mermaids scramble out of the open.
All the Paladins groaned as the high pitched noise made their skulls ache.
"Identify yourself." A human voice spoke and Lance fumbled to press a button and when he finally did he spoke loudly.
"I'm Lance McClain! Paladin of the Blue Lion! Part of Voltron, the rest of the Paladins are with me too!" They waited a few eardrum destroying seconds before the voice spoke again.
"Exit your Lion, come see the King and Queen. All of you." The voice tuned off the alarm.
"Lance tuned around. "What, what do we do?" He asked nervously.
"We do what they say." Keith said sternly, placing his helmet back on. The others follows his lead. Lance pressed the button again.
"We are coming!"
"Come unarmed."
"Yes sir." Lance grumbled after he turned re-clicked the button off.
^^^ Outside the Lion ^^^
They all left the Lion warily, unarmed and unaware of what would come to greet them past the pearl gates. They all hovered in the eerie silence in front of the gates before they swung open, leaving a trail of bubbles behind them. The Paladins exchanges wary looks before trekking forwards into the empty kingdom.
"I do not like this you guys!" Hunk said nervously, sounding like he was about to start crying. "What if it's a trap?!"
"Cordelia seemed nice enough," Allura said in an attempt to comfort him.
"But that was before Lance groped her." Pidge grumbled.
"I did not grope her! I slipped! We barely touched!"
"That's two excuses!"
"Both are true! I'm innocent!"
"Said every groper ever." Keith snickered.
"Okay guys, not helping!" Hunk's voice was an octave high and they all fell into a silence.
They were almost at the castle door when several armed mermaids burst out from nowhere and seized them roughly by the arms and shoulders. They held spears and guns, both made from what looked like coral. The spear wielding mermaids stood in front of the Paladins, their spears at their throats and chests. The gunslingers were behind them, their guns either pressed against their heads or aimed at them from afar. All the mermaids, had on a dark green Roman style armor, encrusted with barnacles on their chests and back. It looked like they were there on purpose to serve as extra armor.
"Come with us. We have had far too many attacks to be so welcoming to those with one Blue Lion and claiming to be Voltron." Said one of the spear welding mermaids with a lime colored tail and dark skin just visible under the armor. She turned to her comrades. "Arslen, take my spot and follow me."
Another spear holder took her spot of holding a spear to Pidge's chest, this one also had a lime tail and armor.
The leader mermaid began to guide them into the Castle doors, which swung opened as they approached. The Paladins could do nothing but try not to panic as they were led forcefully down the Castle halls.
The Castle inside was a shining amber and gold mixture, decorated with seashells and more pearls than the gate. They didn't have any time to admire its beauty as they entered a room with only two deep red bedazzled thrones where two mermaids sat, one male and one female. Many guards lined the halls and stationed behind the thrones.
The female had medium length red hair, tied up elegantly into a regal bun, and a coral red tail with that made her green eyes gleam. She was dressed in a simple white tunic that floated in a contained fashion around her. The male one had long blond hair that was slightly pinned back by small pearls but remained rather untouched. His tail was the same color tail as the woman next to him. His crystal blue eyes pierced the Paladins with a regal sort of superiority. He was dressed in a white tunic that was cinched at his waist. They had matching simple golden crowns that perched on their heads, small spires shooting from them and the largest held a dark blue gem.
"So you claim to be the Paladins of Voltron." The man began in a threatening tone but the red headed one put a pale hand on his arm calmly.
"Calm down darling, for all we know, they might be telling the truth." She had a melodic voice that carried throughout the silent room and made everyone relax a bit.
"We have suffered many attacks, we ask for proof of your identities so we can make sure you are no threat to our people." The man said in a much more calm voice but the threat was still implied, hanging in the air like an impeding storm loud and clear; 'And if you can't, we'll kill you'
"If I may speak," Allura began and when no one moved or stopped her she continued, "We are from the land so it will be hard to show you anything with our helmets on but we need them to breath." A smile played on the red haired mermaid's lip's and she gestured from her guards to the Paladins. They moved, holding conch shells in their hands.
"I remember this thing!" Lance said and the guards hesitated, "Hunk remember? When Zarkon threw us in all different directions and we had to kill that evil hypnotic plant-animal for those merpeople?"
"They had good food." Hunk sighed wishfully
"The monster was the food." Lance corrected, like Hunk was insane to forget such an important yet ridiculous thing. The guards pressed the conch shells to their helmets and small pockets of air formed around their heads.
"It's safe to take your helmets off now." The redhead said and the Paladins moved to take their helmets off, "Guards, relax." The guards moved away and joined the other guards against the wall. "An Altean?"
The red haired woman stared at Allura's Altean marks, now exposed without her helmet obscuring them. She drifted off of her throne and towards Allura. Allura gave her a beaming smile
"Oh and you have pink Altean marks! A sign of a royal bloodline." She nodded in approval.
"I am Princess Allura, Paladin of the Red Lion. That's Keith, our leader and Paladin of the Black Lion. Hunk is the Paladin of the Yellow Lion, Pidge is right next to him and the Paladin of the Green Lion. Finally, that's Lance, Paladin of the Blue Lion."
"So they are those of Voltron?" The blue eyed man asked with suppressed excitement in his voice.
"I believe so, if those Altean Marks were fake they wouldn't glow like that." She was quite right as well, even in the blue hue of the light they sent off a pink glow that gave the illusion she was blushing on two very concentrated spots on her cheekbones at first glance.
"If you don't mind me asking," Allura smiled nervously, "Well, who exactly are you?" The woman retreated back to her throne.
"I am King Adrains." King Adrains said, smiling tightly at the Paladins.
"I am Queen Vesta." The redheaded woman said, placing a gentle hand on her chest, showing off a white ring with a translucent tinge that made it look like rainbows were dancing across it when she moved her finger. "Is there a particular reason you are here?"
"I'm sure you've heard of how the Galra empire has fallen." Allura began, "But many small Galra outposts still exist, fighting against the fact that their civilization is gone. We were making sure that they cause no harm to the innocent by doing a scan of this galaxy when we picked up a signal of," She hesitated. "someone singing a song."
"CORDELIA!" King Adrains roared, his previous happiness gone, making everyone except his wife flinch, who just sighed and drummed her fingers against the arm of her throne. The Paladins exchanged scared looks, looks like Cordelia had a reputation.
"Not this again, guards please go get Cordelia for us." A pair of guards hurried out as fast as their lime green tails could carry them.
"Cordelia has a nasty habit of using her gifts without realizing, sometimes she even brings ships in but those are rare." King Adrains explained through gritted teeth.
"Cordelia has the rare ability of what we call a 'Siren' one of her abilities that come with being a siren, is that her songs create a vacuum for those who hear her song. They sound different to everyone, both comforting and intriguing the listener. She normally just puts people in a sort of trance but sometimes it's just a lingering thought in the back if their head. Urging them to find the voice, those are the more powerful times." Queen Vesta explained calmly.
"You sent for me, Mother?"
Cordelia's voice was innocent as it echoed through the room and everyone looked at her. She was dressed very different from before. Rather than just the bandage handmade shirt that just covered her chest, she had on a tunic like her mother's that hid the gills on her side from sight and she wore a tiara exactly like Allura's except Allura had given the blue gem of her tiara for Shiro's robotic arm.
She froze, her purple tail going rigid. Her emerald green eyes fixed on Lance who paled as her eyes bubbled with anger at him.
"Cordelia!" King Adrains's voice rang through the tense silence and Cordelia's eyes ripped from Lance to stare at King Adrains, "Did you sneak out and use your gifts irresponsibly to lure the Paladins of Voltron here!?" He demanded and his glare would have made even the strongest and most battle worn warriors tremble but Cordelia just hesitated.
"It's a yes or no question Cordelia."
"Yes but it wasn't on purpose."
"You are the Princess, Cordelia. You can't keep doing things like this!" The King scowled darkly at her. She didn't respond, but it was obvious she wanted to. Her fists were clenched tightly and she was shaking like a massage chair. King Adrains eyes glanced back at the Paladins, his jaw tensed
"We will settle this later, for now you will stay inside the Castle and not go anywhere alone!" The King snarled. Cordelia kept her mouth shut as she swam over to him and settled next to her mother angrily.
Her eyes seemed to indeed be glowing an angry green. Maybe Lance wasn't hallucinating after all.
The Paladins remained horribly shocked as they all realized that Lance just might have flirted with the wrong mermaid. And, by the way Cordelia was glaring at them, they were in huge trouble if she tells the King what happened.
"Paladins of Voltron!" Queen Vesta said warmly, "Would you perhaps like to spend the night in our Castle? We welcome you with open arms after all you've done. We shall have a feast in your honor as well!"
"While we would love to accept your offer, we have a ship of our own where we actually have a friend on it. We wouldn't want to leave him alone." Allura explained, looking slightly saddened by the fact that she was passing the opportunity of sleeping in the stunning Castle.
"He may come here as well! All friends of Voltron are friends of ours." The King said and the Paladins exchanged looks of agreement.
"Very well, we'll contact him. Thank you so very much for your kindness!" Allura smiled widely at the Royal three, only the King and Queen returned her enthusiasm.
"Cordelia will show you to the guest rooms." The Queen gestured to her daughter." Cordelia looked livid, staring at her mother with suppressed rage at both her and the Paladins.
One Paladin in particular.
"Come with me." She said forced a smile to the Paladins but before she could swim off to lead them her mother grabbed her arm and pulled her close, whispering something in her ear. Something like fear flickered across her face but then it became stone once again. She jerked her head at the Paladins to follow her.
They followed Cordelia down a hallway in absolute silence before they entered a courtyard.
Several smaller mermaids, children, were throwing around a flat circle that sliced through the water like it was air. Some older mermaids with age-worn light green tails were showing some very nervous looking mermaids that looked in their twenties how to use a spear. But the main thing in the middle of the courtyard, was a massive purple tree with turquoise leaves and emerald green fruits the size of a fist hung.
"Hi uh, Princess Cordelia?" Hunk began nervously and Cordelia turned her head to face him. He gulped nervously. "Why does everyone have green tails?" Cordelia looked slightly saddened as a dark green tail passed before she answered.
"Our tail colors show our roles. The light green means they will be either soldiers, fighters, or warriors depending on the shade or highlights." She explained as she looked at the fruit, like she was picking them out.
"What do the other colors mean?" Pidge asked curiously.
"A coral red means they will be royalty, as in a King or Queen. There are too many colors to describe, especially on such a short swim." Cordelia moved to grab a handful of the fruits after carefully observing them.
"What's purple?" Keith asked, looking quite interested in how the tail colors work.
"That's private." She paused, her fingers just grazing a fruit before she grabbed it and turned around to stare at the Paladins. "These fruits will give you your own tails, it's only temporary and will wear off by morning or when you reach the surface again. All honored guests get them." She held the fruits in her arms and gestured the best she could for them to all take one. The Paladins took them all rather hesitantly but Hunk took it eagerly, examine the outer skin of it. Just as Hunk was about to take a bite from it Cordelia grabbed his hand and shook her head furiously.
"Wait! Your armor will be torn in half if you eat it right now!" Hunk immediately closed his mouth and she released his hand. She was about to speak again when there were two flashes of gold in front if her and Cordelia went soaring backwards. Two small little mermaids sat on her, grinning broadly at her. One of the children with a gold tail had dark brown skin and curly black hair that sat in two little buns on her head. Her dark eyes glimmered with excitement. The other had short hair the color of wheat, bronze colored skin, and intelligent hazel eyes. He was grinning broadly at Cordelia.
"Hello Princess Delia!" The two said in unison. Cordelia's shock turned into amusement at the two.
"Hello you two!" She smiled and seemingly forgot about the Paladins as she refocused on the children in front of her. "Did Malfrious let you go already?" Their faces fell and the two exchanged looks of a deer caught in headlights.
"Not exactly.." The little boy began.
"Drelain!" The little girl hissed, "Yes he did." She lied rather poorly and Cordelia looked at them, unamused.
"You two are future scho-" The children groaned and the girl flipped her hands out behind her, drifting away slowly.
"Not this old speech!"
"Yeah! C'mon Lia! You know how Malfrious gets!" Drelain whined in a high pitched tone at Cordelia.
"I know! I was taught by him as well, but your education is important." Just then, a very ratchety old mermaid with a long gray beard and no hair on his head swam in on a dust colored tail.
"There you two are!" His voice was more like a frog's croak than an actual voice, "Princess." He bowed to Cordelia before fixing his misty gray eyes on the Paladins.
"Cordelia! Save me!" The little girl flung her arms around Cordelia and Drelain followed her lead.
"Drelain! Laymerin!" The old mermaid said sharply, "Let go of the Princess! You have to return to your lessons!"
"I promise I'll swim by later and save you two." Cordelia whispered as she pried their arms off of herself.
"Tail promise?" Laymerin, the little girl, asked. She lifted her tail hopefully and Cordelia smiled softly.
"Tail promise." She lifted her tail so their tails touched gently. Laymerin and Drelain looked satisfied enough and let Malfrious lead them away. Cordelia watched as they left before fixing her posture so she was back to eye level with the Paladins.
"Sorry about that, let me show you to your rooms." Cordelia apologized, her cheeks flushing slightly pink as she smoothed her white tunic.
"What does yellow mean?" Pidge quirked her head after the children.
"Yellow is scholars, they're quite rare and spent most their life in school in order to be if service to the kingdom." Her voice was slightly bitter, her eyes not focused. As if buried in her own thoughts. She cleared her throats and moved on.
She led the fruit-holding Paladins out of the courtyard and down several hallways before they went up a stairwell and reached a hall with six doors lining it in either side. Each of the doors had rose gold vines crawling across it. Where they met in the middle sat a seashell the size of a face.
"Here are your rooms, they're all the same so make due." Cordelia moved so the Paladins could go to their rooms. They all went to choose their rooms except for one particular Paladin.
Lance gulped nervously. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I slipped." Cordelia's face softened a bit and Lance relaxed his shoulders.
She remained silent and then.
"Goodnight Lance." And with that, she turned and disappeared.