The story of the Red Petals

    I forgot, in my last chapter, to mention the cicadas. For to me, they are no more. My story heads in a more complicated direction, one that opposes the existence of living things. Even the cicadas.

Japan's most northern region, Hoku


Hoku's outskirts

     The cherry blossom trees here defy the laws of nature. It's unending blossoms know no bound. It blossoms right through the year, uncaring of the season. And if one were to harm these trees, they'd be condemned to a life of bad luck which could only be cured through a prayer to the goddess Hanabira at the Shrin shin shrine, asking to be cleansed.

     But, the residents of the small town, Hoku had already learned their lesson and had refrained from bothering the trees. Instead, everyday the would kneel before it, asking for the curse to be lifted.

     And so, there was no more purpose for the existence of the shrine donut was left to crumble and fall. But it never did. But, for the fact that that was the people's intention, Hanabira yet again, cursed the land. So, every year, ten children from the town were sent to the shrine to be a sacrifice.

     This was to go on for ten years.

"Mine, mine, mine!" The little girl shouted twisting her head, her long red hair flashing.

"Tch! Come get if you want it so bad." The boys said and laughed.

    They were on the outskirts of the town, and a pair of boys had stolen something precious from a little girl. She cried desperately for them to give it back.

"Please just. I need it, it's special to me. You-you wouldn't understand."

"That's right, we don't understand. You had it long before we did right? Don't be selfish. Give us a chance too." They said, laughing mockingly.

"But I. . ."

"Leave her alone." Another voice came, demanding and serious.

"Si-sister Aka." The smaller girl said.

"Ten seconds." Aka continued.

"What?" One of the boys asked.

"That's the amount of time I'm giving you to return this girl's precious item. If you run. . .I'll hunt you down and kill you."

"Sister Aka."

"O-okay, take it god dammit!" The boy said and thrust it to the floor. They both quickly walked away. The smaller girl went and took it up.

"You shouldn't let them treat you like that sister Akane."

"B-but I. . .They're boys. They're much stronger than I am. And besides, violence isn't the answer, sister Aka."

"But sister Akane. Being sweet and timid won't get you what you want in life. You've gotta be tough. Like me."

"I'll try."

"No. Trying is for those who are unsure. You have to say you'll do it."

"Alright then. I'll be brave from no on sister Aka."

"That's good."

    Time went by and darkness fell over the town, everybody resorted to their corresponding homes. The two sisters, Aka and Akane came into their homes to the sweet aroma of fish, pork and rice.

      Their homes, unlike everybody else, was a church. A chapel that they've lived in from birth. Still, they didn't preach. Their only job was to make sure every job, every prayer that dealt with Hanabira-sama was carried out efficiently.

"It's tomorrow, isn't it Aoi?" The man of the house asked his wife.

"If you're referring to the Iho Gisei, then yes. It's tomorrow Shiro."

       Iho Gisei was the name given to the annual sacrificing. It meant 'Unlawful Sacrifices'. For it truly was.

"I wonder who they'll choose. Not one of my children I hope." The woman named Aoi said.

"Don't talk about it all." Shiro warned.

      The selecting of the children were out of each and every one of the inhabitants of Hoku. The palms of ten children would glow red whenever they were chosen to die, a selection done by the goddess Hanabira herself.

      There was one little girl, that bore the name of the goddess herself. Her name also was Aka Hanabira. The ninth sacrifice had taken place before her birth, and she was ten years old. It made her anxious.

"It's good that this is the last one though." Aoi said.

"The feeling, my humble wife, is mutual."

      Some time later.

Shrin shin shrine



    The day had come, for the sacrifice. And for those who were accustomed to it, got up lazily from their beds at the sounding of the gong. But those who were new to it, those that were unfortunate to still be in childhood, got up from their beds, fear stinging at their heart.

     As usual, at the town's meeting point, there was a long red line draw on across the centre of the town by the priest, my father. On one side stood crying children, on the other, sobbing parents.

      The line was there as a marker that the adults were not allowed to cross. If one were to do so, the curse would restart back to year zero. So no one ever did.

      My father got down on his knees and prayed to the goddess. After a moment, I could feel the burning pain in my palm. I looked at it, and there, was the bright red symbol of my coming death.

'Im going to die.' I thought, unable to hold back the tears. My father looked up at me. His face turned twisted upon seeing my mark. He was mad. Unable to control himself, he got from his knees and crossed the line to grab me. Mother did the same.

"We'll run away!" He shouted.

"Yes!" Mother answered. It seemed that it was something that they were pondering I it can down to it. They couldn't allow their child to die. But, the crowd had sorrounded us.

"Just let us through. She's my, I can't allow her to die! Move god damnit!"

    But the crowd stood their, unmoving.

"You have broken sacred rule Shiro the priest. You and your wife, will have to pay a price."

      I was dragged from his hands and me and the other chosen children were dragged by the town's samurai towards the shrine.

      It was painful, on these days. The crying and wailing of the children. The shouting of mother's and fathers, so many tears. And even blood, as some of the parents were slashed by samurai before they could cross the line.

      I couldn't speak, couldn't even speak. Unlike what I had depicted to my younger sister, I wasn't brave. So I just allowed myself to be dragged towards the shrine. The samurai left as we began being pulled by an invisible force towards the shrine.

      I was at the very back and one by one, I watched as the crying children were being dragged into the dark opening. I was closer to it now, almost inside. But.

      Someone grabbed my hand, thrusting me from the entrance. In my place, stood a little girl, one with red hair like mine. She was my sister, Akane.

       That day, she sacrificed herself for me, and I had made no move to stop her. I wasn't brave at all. I went back to the town, shaking from fear. The scene there was dark and unwelcoming. The streets were painted with blood and ridden with dead bodies. My parents were among them. I didn't cry. I was confused. I was angry. Around me, the once pink petals were all red in the blood.

       Everything I had, everything to call my own was taken in an instant. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. At this rate, I was going to go crazy. I saw a blade of a samurai that one of the residents had managed to kill. I took it up.

        It was slippery as it was swimming in the pools of blood. Was this how it was every year? I went back up towards the shrine. There was a samurai there, picking up the precious item that belonged to my sister. A small basket  that I had made especially for her.

         I walked up towards him. Hel looked up at me, a frightened look in his eyes. So I stole them, his face, his life. I took his head with my sword and took up the basket. I opened the door of the shrine to find the many dead bodies of the children. I looked at my sister. She was smiling, though dead. She was brave, much braver than I was.

          I went in there and took her into my arms. Leaning unto the wall, I fell asleep with her.

"Do you wish to see her again?" A voice asked. It was the voice of a man, and as I saw, was dressed in black attire. "Come with me to Hirsugiminen. Aesthaea may find interest in you."



       I watched them as I walked. It was like they were mocking me. Mocking me because I no longer had a sister.



Hirsugiminen's Sanctuary

       Aesthaea, for the first time in a long while, was leaving the city of Hirsugiminen with Usthraea by her side. They were walking slowly, yet they would meet the two girls at the right time.

"This feels unreal." Usthraea said. "You, leaving the sanctuary. You having hope."

"Don't speak as if you can read my mind. I'm only out here to see their capabilities and inform them about what to expect. Don't overestimate your knowledge of me, Usthraea."

"Haven't I been with you that long? You are the arrogant one here, underestimating my knowledge."

"I'm in no mood for bickering right now. Kyuzael, are you still there?"

"Yessss." A hissing voice came.


     The three unworldly beings kept at their slow pace. Aesthaea smiled. She is a demon, nothing more than a fallen angel. She wants to use women, to change them, to make them dark and impure. Just like she did to Aka, all those years ago.