part five

luca pov

I was in a strange place. that is all I could say right now. It looks like a house.

"daddy, tell mommy to give me some sweets" a small little girl came and sat on my lap.

I tried to speak or move but I couldn't. It felt like I was frozen.

"little one you can't eat sweets before lunch, you don't want mommy to turn into a monster and kill us right" I don't know why I said that but I couldn't say anything else.

"I heard that" a sweet voice yelled from what seems like a kitchen.

Then I heard footsteps coming near. I tried to stand up but I couldn't so I just gave up.

Suddenly a beautiful girl came out from the kitchen.

She looks familiar. I thought

"Rose, launch is ready go and eat and we will be there in just a minute.

"okay mommy, bye daddy" the small girl which I think her name is rose jumped from my lap and ran into god knows where.

"babe, lets go and eat I made your favourite dish" the girl said.

From where did I saw her.

"ohh, honey, I missed you very much" can someone tell me what the hell is happening?!

"they were only two hours" she giggle and hugged me.

"I still missed you so much.....y/n"


I jolted from my bed breathing heavily.

"what in the hell just happened"

It's just a dream, a good one. I thought

I looked at the clock and its four in the morning. i thought it was best if I started to get ready instead of sleeping again.

I took a quick shower. Packed some clothes and the other things I will need. And made breakfast then started eating.

No matter what I did, my mind was thinking of one thing. y/n . I wonder what she is doing now.

I looked at the clock and find it six and half. Its time to leave.

"goodbye home, don't worry I'm getting back after seven days. Yeah I know one whole week. I missed you already. Well enough drama. I have to go now or I will be killed by Theo. Bye home"

I locked the door and started to look for a taxi. After some minutes I saw one coming so I waved to him and luckily he stopped.

I entered the taxi and told him the location then started to think of all the funny things we could do in the hotel.

I already imagined having a water gun fight. And pushing each other in the pool.

Suddenly a photo of a y/n wearing a bikini appeared in my mind.

She will look hot and sexy wearing it. I can't wait.

The sound of the driver saying that we arrived pulled me out of my thoughts.

I handed him the money and got out of the taxi.

We planned on meeting in the park then go to the hotel together. Im so excited to go there. What could possibly go wrong.

y/n pov (morning time)

I woke up from an amazing dream. I dreamt about marrying luca. He looked so hot in tuxedo. i was wearing a long white gown. The others were also there cheering for us.

I sighed remembering it was a dream and it will never happen.

I took a quick shower and dressed.

"what should I pack with me" I kept glancing at my PlayStation in the corner of my room. If I brought it I would get scolded by mom Jisoo an dad Theo. But who cares.

I grab it and put it in my bag. "they won't know if I didn't tell them" I smirked and cheered in victorious.

After I finished packing I made for myself a cup of cereal.

I finished eating after a few minutes then headed out.

"today is going to be a long day" I quickly locked the door and made my way to the park.

'Time skip'

I arrived at the park to see all of them standing in one line while dad Theo and mom Jisoo discussing something with them. Thank goodness I arrived late and didn't attend the lecture.

"you are late" Theo said looking at me making me gulp and try to find an excuse.

"I …. Umm .. well….. I-" thank god Jisoo cut me off.

"discuss about this later let's go now" I made a mental note to thank her later.

"you are lucky" Theo said and began to walk towards his van.

Don't ask why he has a van cuz I don't know.

We make our way into the van. Theo sitting in the driver seat while jisoo is sitting next to hem. In front of me there is Daniel, Kevin and Lisa. While I'm sandwiched between luca and Sana.

Can this day be better.

"the trip is going to take one hour so feel free to sleep" Jisoo said while yawning.

"thank god I'm going to take my beauty nap" kevin said and closed his eyes. Not after a minute his snores were heard.

"I'm going to sleep too" Lisa said and drifted to dreamland.

Daniel and Sana did the same, leaving me and Luca alone.

"soooo, ummm, did you slept well yesterday" luca asked me awkwardly probably trying to break the unwanted silent.

"yeah, thanks for walking me home again" I replied smiling.

"it was my pleasure. If you want to take a nap you can rest your head on my shoulder, you know" he said looking at me with his blue eyes that I got lost in them.

I yawned and I felt my eyelids becoming heavy and began to close. I rested my head on his shoulder. The last thing I heard before drifting to dreamland was "goodnight princess" and something soft landing on my forehead.

Luca pov

She is so fucking adorable when she sleeps. I began to feel my eyelids becoming heavy so I rested my head on her head and drifted to dreamland dreaming about my baby y/n.