Russell the dictator

Headquarter of safehouses. Washington DC. USA.

"What was the instruction?"

Twas more of a threat than a question. Or better still, a threatening question. Because Russell's eyes had been tuned by rage and his ears were erected to the tune of his heart.

He was looking sternly at the four sergeants lying before him. He couldn't bear their presence but he was taming the beast. But he wasn't sure for how long he would be able to continue with the odd.

There were several other sergeants behind the four. They had their heads down and would raise them whenever they've been ordered to.

Twas the dictatorship era.

"To kill them all."

One of the seargants lying, who was next to the last sergeant to the right said.

Russell walked to the fellow whose head was down, and kicked him in the head with his huge boots.

The sergeant wrenched in pain and the only lady amongst them gasped.

"Take her out."