The Imp and Chairman Mao

The underground system. China.

"Watch your back."

A man, who probably was in the death of his fifties called at a teenager who was about to be ran over by a few men coming behind him. Everyone was fighting his way out of the whole chaos.

The Imp was no longer hiding its identity. Twas now in the out in the open, not only threatening but ripping off people's head at a hop.

Many of the citizens had resolved for leaving the underground for earth, since news had gotten to all that humans were beginning to claim their world again. As expected.

There was only a passage through which the people could climb out of the underground word. And since the population of those wanting to move out was mounting its peak, the chances of sane and accurate transition were gaunt.

Not really because the Imp knew about the escape route yet, but the fear of being caught kept the humans all freaky and tripping.