
The pit.

"How long will we keep suffering for your own sins, Retard. Tell me, for how long?"

The leader of the group shot at the Professor. He wished he could force a punch on the oesophagus and push his throat out. He was more than pissed off.

The ladies were no longer in the pit. None of them had been generous enough to ask. Though Hulu had made his advances with the guards who had brought them there.

The four of them were seated in a circle, with backs to the cold murky wall of the pit. The stench there was becoming nauseating.

"And you all think me mad to be mute while I keep complaining about the foolishness of this bearded monkey."

The leader continued, picking the three in his rude gaze. He had been the only one talking all along. The rest had been indifferent. He was tempted to think that the Professor had an influence on the lot. That was a thing to think.