
Ryu's POV

I groaned and sat up and looked around, I gasped remembering what happened.

"Aerin, Aragorn..." I whispered

Tears began streaming out of my face so I quickly wiped them. I looked at my hand and saw that it was an augmentation syringe so I injected it into my neck and felt a rush of energy but not enough.

"Fuck where am I?" I questioned

I checked my watch and it said that I was on earth 3d-56. I put on my hood and became invisible and began walking around until I got to this town. I entered and began looking around making sure I avoid any physical contact.

I noticed that their type of fashion was like back in the medieval times but most of them were wearing Korean traditional clothing, others were just wearing simple clothing that didn't look too poor nor too rich.

I entered an alleyway and began looking for a private area until I found a bunch of clothes so I stole some and became visible again. I began to put on the clothes and put my old clothes into a bag I found. I quickly left the alley and began walking around checking the buildings. The buildings weren't like the traditional Asian buildings, they were more modern.

I stopped walking on the middle of the road and looked around and something gave me a strange feeling about this place. I began observing carefully until I was finally able to point it out.

'Everyone here is a male.'

I looked around and sighed.

"Oi you over there!"

"Eek!" I yelped in shock

I turned around and there were a bunch of traditional Korean soldiers approaching me.

"Are you a soldier?" asked a man with a beard

"Uhh no." I replied

"Then why do you have a sword?" he asked

I looked at my hand and said that I was holding my sword.

"Oh, hehehe." I chuckled

I quickly turned around and sprinted off.

"After him!" yelled the soldier

"Shit shit shit shit!" I yelped

'Should I use my power, no it'll cause too much chaos.'

I continued running as fast as I should, not too fast and not too slow. But then a whole line of soldiers appeared in front of me but these looked different.

"Shit!" I grumbled, "Where should I go?"

I decided to leave the town so I ran out and into the woods but the soldiers kept chasing after me. I kept running for who knows how long until the soldiers suddenly stopped at a certain point.

"Okay, now what." I panted

I decided to continue walking since I didn't really know the place. I continued walking around for a while but then I felt something creep up from behind me.

"Look who we have here." I heard a feminine voice

Someone landed in front of me and pointed a sword at me. I looked up and saw that it was a blonde woman wearing a very exposing outfit.

"You're not a soldier though, no collar." said the woman

'No collar?'

That's when more women began to appear.

"Oi Gloria." said a woman wearing white with some straps with blue hair and blue eyes, "He's not a soldier."

"Sorry but I'm kind of busy here." I said

I was about to move but the blonde woman named Gloria stopped me.

"Let me have my fun." said Gloria

"What?" I questioned

"Let him go."

I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw an injured Aragorn approaching us.

"Aragorn!" I gasped

I ran up to him and caught him before he fell.

"I thought you died!" I gasped

"I thought so too." whispered Aragorn

"Oi oi stay with me." I said

I looked at the women.

"Can you help him?" I asked

"Who is he? I've never seen any type of armor like that." said a short haired girl

"Just help my friend, I'll explain everything later."


1 hour later

Ryu's POV

"Ow." groaned Aragorn

"How the hell did you live?" I asked

"I don't know, Kurt just found me and teleported me here." said Aragorn

"I'm glad you're alive." I said

I felt emotional but I tried to hide it.

"Sir, would telling them be a good idea?" asked Aragorn

"For now I wouldn't." I replied

He sighed and closed his eyes.

"Where do we start with finding the Matrix?" asked Aragorn

I shrugged in response but then the girl with blue hair came into the room.

"Talk." she said

I looked at her then at her hand which was on the handle of the sword.

"My name is Ryu Kim." I said

"Ohhh Ryu I like that name." said Gloria

I sighed and rubbed my hands.

"Is that all?" asked the blue hair girl

"Well, the other information is classified so until I know what the hell is going on here then maybe I'll-"

The blue hair girl drew her sword and pointed it at me.

"I don't play games." said the blue hair girl

"I think it'll be better if you tell them sir." said Aragorn

"You sure? Cause we're pretty much stuck here until we find the Matrix." I said, "Plus the ten angels are looking for it as well."

"Tell me." demanded the blue hair girl

Aragorn nodded so I groaned.

"Would you believe me if I said I wasn't from this world?" I asked

The blue hair girl stayed expressionless while the other girls chuckled or didn't laugh at all.

"Right exactly, you don't believe me." I said, "Then what if I do this?"

I summoned a couple lightning bolts onto my hand and all the girls stopped chuckling and their eyes widened.

"Got your attention." I said, "Look I mistakenly came here, I think."

I got up and dusted myself but the blue hair girl didn't seem to buy it.

"Still don't believe me?" I asked, "Fine."

I tapped my watch and my armor wrapped around me and the girls yelped a bit and backed up.

"There?" I asked

I pressed the button and my armor disappeared.

"We're turning you in." said the blue hair girl


She hits the side of my head and I black out.


1 hour later

Ryu's POV

"Rise and shine sleepy boy."

I opened my eyes and I was laying in a carriage with Aragorn sitting next to me.

"Please don't tell me we're caught." I groaned

"We are sir." he replied

I sat up and saw all the girls sitting next to me on a bench.

"Ah shit." I groaned

I looked around and we were in a city filled with women.

"Why is this place only filled with women?" asked Aragorn

That's when I remembered the day Lust showed me an earth that was at war with males and females.

"This must be the earth Lust was talking about." I said

The horse pulling the carriage stopped in front of a giant palace, almost as big as the one in earth prime.

There were guards, all female wearing a hat with tight body wear which made me question things.

"Take these two to the queen." said the blue hair girl

Two guards grabbed us and dragged us inside.

"I can't believe this is happening." I groaned

"Is there a problem?" asked the woman who was holding my arm, she too had blue hair but it was short.

"There is a big problem." I sighed, "Aragorn, is it healed?"

"Kind of." replied Aragorn


I looked up to see another woman but she looked older and a lot scarier.

"Take them in." said the older woman

The doors open leading into a huge long hallway with pillars. In front was a woman sitting on a throne but this entire hallway was crawling with women wearing the same outfit as the one dragging us in.

When we got to the front they forced us into our knees and Aragorn and I looked at each other.

"Who are these two?" asked the queen

"Yoon brought these two in." replied the woman who dragged me

"Is that true?" asked the queen

I looked over and saw the same girl who had blue hair and was wearing white but she changed her outfit into the same one as the others in the hallway.

"He claims he's not from this world." replied Yoon

Everyone in the hallway chuckled.

"How am I going to explain this?" I groaned

"I don't know sir, but is it normal for my heart to be beating this hard?" asked Aragorn

"Hell yea." I replied

"You two must be out of your minds." said the queen

She then picks up a sword, my sword and examines it.

"I've never seen this type of metal, where did you get this?" asked the queen

"I don't know." I replied

"You don't know what your own sword is made out of?" asked the queen

"I only used it once." I replied

I nudged Aragorn with my elbow.

"Hey what's it made out of?" I asked

"I don't know, I was just a messenger that day." he replied

I sighed and got up causing all the guards to draw their sword.

"Look we're in the wrong place at the wrong time." I said, "Can you please let us go and you'll never hear from us ever again."

"I can't allow that." said the queen, "Unless you beat me in a duel."

She nods at one of the guards and she takes off the ropes around my wrist and the queen tosses me my sword. I catch it and rub my wrist but Aragorn looked at me and smiled.

"Are you going to go easy on her?" asked Aragorn

"Probably." I replied

They pulled Aragorn aside as the queen drew her personal sword. I spun the sword in my hand before pulling it out of the scabbard. The queen got into her fighting stance so I did the same, she lunged at me but she was so fucking fast.

I jumped back just in time to avoid getting slashed with the sword. I did a black flip and landed on my feet before jumping over her as she tried to stab me. I swung my sword but when the queen blocked it, her sword shattered.

"Oh shit, I like this sword." I told Aragorn

"Look out!" he gasped

I turned around just in time to avoid getting kicked in the head.

"Still fighting without a sword." I commented, "Fine."

I picked up my scabbard and sheath my sword. I put it on the ground and got into my fighting stance. She lunged towards me and started attacking but her moves were wavy, almost like taichi.

I was blocking her attacks but she was pretty fast that she was able to back kick my stomach. I fell onto the ground but I did a kick up.

"You said you wanted me to prove to you that I'm not from this earth right?" I asked

"If you can." she said

"Fine, but don't complain." I said

I summoned lightning bolts all around my body and everyone around me backed up.

"What is that?" gasped the queen

"Something I can do." I replied

I blasted towards her and went behind her and began toying with her, going faster than her so that she couldn't catch up. I decided to end it by kicking her legs and making her fall and I sat on her back.

"There I win." I said

I got off and yawned.

"Can we go now?" I asked

That's when the queen started smiling.

"Kill him." she said

Aragorn quickly ran up to me just as everyone drew their weapons.

"What? That wasn't part of the deal." I snapped

"There was no deal." said the queen

"No deal, great." I groaned as I picked up my sword and drew it.

I cut the ropes off of the Aragorn's wrist.

"This is some bullshit." I sighed

"Sir do you have your watch?" asked Aragorn

I checked my forearm and saw my watch.

"Yes I do." I replied

I looked around and we were outnumbered.

"Aragorn we're going to run for it, I'll carry you so we'll find a horse and try to make a break for it." I said

I took off my watch and handed it to him.

"You're going to need it." I said

He puts it on and the armor wraps around his body.

"This feels comfortable." he commented

"Ready?" I asked

"Ready." he replied

I grabbed him and blasted out of the castle doors and I stopped outside where there were multiple horses.

"Get on." I said

Aragorn gets on one and so do I.

"Oh Aragorn how do you ride one?" I asked

But the guards were running out of the castle and towards us.

"Stop them!" yelled the guards

I remember from movies I had to kick the horse with my heel and suddenly it started running forward.

"Shit!" I gasped

I nearly fell off as the horse started galloping. We rode the horse through the streets where the people, well females, all looked at us as we rode out.

"How do you turn?" I asked

"Just pull the rein to the side you want to turn." replied Aragorn, "Pull the rein back if you want to stop the horse."

I heard more horse footsteps behind me, I turned to look and my eyes widened when I saw the guard all aiming crossbows at us.

"Sir the gate!" yelled Aragorn

Up ahead I saw two giant wooden doors blocking our path but on the catwalk on top of the gate there was a line of archers.

"Aragorn, cover your head!" I yelled

I stayed as low as I could while dodging the arrows being shot at me from behind and in front. I gathered lightning bolts into one hand and aimed my hand at the gates.

"I hope this is good enough." I whispered to myself

I shot the lightning bolts towards the gate and it exploded into pieces.

"Let's get out of here." I said