Ryu's POV
"The Matrix?" I questioned
"Ryu the Matrix is in you." said Kurt
"I mean, I didn't think the Matrix was in me. After all I sliced it in half-"
"You what?!" gasped Kurt
"Listen to me, I sliced it and it exploded but then there was this bright colorful light and it entered me and my entire body was hurting. I also saw these symbols everywhere and I couldn't tell which language it was." I said
"But the Matrix itself is destroyed?" asked Kurt
"No when I looked up at Oracle he had the cube and it was intact." I said
"Okay, talking about symbols did they look like this?" asked Kurt
He pressed a couple buttons and symbols began to appear.
"Yea it looks just like that." I said
But suddenly I began to understand what the fuck they meant.
"Do you understand it?" asked Kurt
"Yea it's like the symbols are engraved into my brain." I said
"Good cause you're going to have to stop the earths from colliding." said Kurt
He showed me a map of every earth right now.
"Shit okay uh let's see." I whispered
I began to think of all the symbols and suddenly my eyes began to feel a bit weird.
"Your eyes shining bright." said Kurt
I began to make the symbols fly by me like a movie film.
"Okay uhh how do I stop the earths from moving?" I questioned
That's when my eye began to show me the whole solar system of the earths clustered together ready to unite as one almost like a hologram picture.
"Okay so using the symbols..."
I began to mumble some of the symbols and I myself had no idea what I was saying.
"The earths stopped moving sir!" yelled an elk
"Ryu you did it." said Kurt
"Great, now we have to stop Oracle." I said, "But I can't do it by myself."
"Don't worry the MVA will help you." said Kurt
Demon's POV
"What happened?!" yelled Aiden
Aiden's pissed off because someone stopped the earths from moving.
"I'll fucking destroy everything." growled Aiden
This entire time I didn't really feel so good about Aiden. Aiden was acting more and more distant to me. Aiden sighed and looked at me and motioned me to come closer to him.
"Ada I need you to do me a favor." he said
"What kind of favor?" I asked
He placed his hand on my chest and suddenly I felt excruciating pain as he immediately extracted Thunderbird and Phoenix out of my body. I fell on the floor and cried in pain, clutching my chest and squirming around.
"Sorry Ada, I didn't need you." said Aiden
"W-why Aiden?" I cried
"You didn't really care about my goals. To be honest I knew you were alive." replied Aiden
"Huh?" I gasped
He kneeled down in front of me.
"I actually watched as you tried to do what I wanted but in the end you switched sides." said Aiden, "And in your heart, even now you're still on Ryu's side."
"Aiden stop this." I cried
"Why do you think I faked my death during the war?" asked Aiden, "Because I knew you didn't really agree with my goals."
"Th-that doesn't mean that I don't love you." I panted in pain
"Sorry I don't need someone like you." replied Aiden, "I only loved you for your augmentation powers."
I began to cry not from the pain but from the amount of emotions I was feeling.
"Goodbye Ada." said Aiden
Aiden raised his finger and placed the tip of it on my forehead. My eyes widened as I looked at him with teary eyes but the remaining 3 angels appeared.
"My Lord the MVA fleet is approaching Earth Prime." said Lust
"Kill them all." said Aiden
"But my Lord, Ryu is amongst them." said Lust
"Doesn't matter, he can't kill me." said Aiden
"He's the one with the Matrix my Lord." said Lust
My eyes widened.
"What?" questioned Aiden
"He has the eye of the Matrix." said Lust
Aiden screamed in anger so I took that advantage and augmented fire out of my entire body. I made a break for it and ran through the palace.
'Ryu, I'm so sorry.'
Lydia's POV
I heard distant sirens and some kind of explosion.
"What's going on?" asked Earth Prime Ryu
"I think it's the MVA." said the queen
"They must have balls if they're going head on with the Oracle." commented Earth Prime Ryu
The guards in here were shouting at each other when a huge gush of fire exploded through the doors killing all the guards inside. Demon walked in but she looked weak and tired.
"Demon!" I gasped
She approached us and unlocked our prison door.
"Aiden... he merely used me." said Demon, "It was his plan from the start."
"Oi what's going on?" asked Kishimoto
"It's Ryu, he has the Matrix in him." panted Demon, "We need to get out of here."
But then the door opened and a whole bunch of knights poured into the hallway but then out of nowhere there was gunfire and the knights began to drop dead. Out of the other side of the hallway were a couple MVA marines.
"This way! We're getting the hell out of here." yelled a marine
"Go on... I need to find Ryu." whispered Demon
She took one step but then passed out.
"Let's go." I said
I carried Demon's body and we ran out of the prison system and we were back on the floating city. Every civilian here were evacuating on Ravens, there was a huge air battle going on with a couple jets and some dragons and other flying animals. But my eyes widened when I saw a bunch of earths clustered together in the sky. It felt like I was looking at the moon but bigger, closer and a bunch of them close to each other.
"Mrs Kim!" yelled Kishimoto
I saw Ryu's mom in the crowd and she waved at us.
"Ma'am this way." said a marine
He led us on a Raven and we got on and blasted off towards the fleet.
"Where's Ryu?" I asked
"Right here."
I gasped when I saw Ryu appear out of thin air.
"Shit I'm not used to that." he groaned
"Sir!" gasped Aragorn
"Ryu holy shit what's going on?" asked Kishimoto
"I have the Matrix inside of me." said Ryu
He did something and his left eye began to glow blue with some circle lines.
"What the fuck..." whispered earth prime Ryu
"What happened to Demon?" asked Ryu
I laid Demon on the floor and Ryu checked up on her.
"She lost Thunderbird and Phoenix." said Ryu
"Is she going to die?" I asked
"No she'll heal." replied Ryu
Ryu sighed and started talking to Isamu, Jin Woo and the others.
"You four okay?" asked Ryu
"I'm fine Ryu san, are you okay?" asked Isamu
"Yea I'm fine but you two must have been through a lot." said Ryu, "What about you Jin Woo? Hae In?"
"I'm the same." he replied
"I'm okay." replied Hae In
"Is the city evacuated?" Ryu asked a marine
"We're done sir." replied a marine, "We're executing operation Matrix."
The marine pressed a button and the ramp of the Raven began to open.
"Ryu what are you doing?" asked the queen
"What I do best." he replied, "Getting in someone's way."
And with that he fell off the ramp.
Ryu's POV
I fell down towards the floating capital.
'Where's the three remaining angels?'
My eye began to scan the entire place and I saw three figures highlighted in blue.
'Where's the Oracle?'
My eye scanned and he was in the middle of the city.
'I'll have to destroy the floating city.'
I took a deep breath and gathered every lightning I could but I was able to gather a lot more thanks to the matrix.
'I feel like I got my augmentation powers back.'
I flew straight towards the city but suddenly a force field started to wrap around the city. I created a portal in front of me and went straight through it and ended up inside the force field.
I blasted towards the core of the city and crashed straight through the floating city. Certain areas of the floating city began to explode but it wasn't fully destroyed.
I created multiple other portals and began to go through them and lay straight through the city multiple times until it finally exploded. I saw Idol in the air avoiding the explosion so I teleported behind him. He turned around just in time to see me, I kicked his head so hard he went flying into the force field but I created a portal behind him and another in front of me.
Idol went through the portal behind him and came flying through the portal in front of me and I beheaded him. His body and head fell into the ball of fire and I teleported out of the force field just in time as the city exploded.
'Did I get Aiden?'
The force field turned off so I thought it was over but I should have known better. The fire was absorbed into one spot and then it was shot straight towards me.
I created this kind of magical force field that was in the shape of a circle with a square on top of it. The magic shield blocked the fire but I saw the two remaining angels fly straight towards me.
I controlled gravity and crushed the two angels on the face of the earth but they didn't die so I blasted down to Lust and punched him so hard he went through the earth. Lust hit the core of the earth and incinerated but the earth began to tremble violently.
I used the Matrix to calm down the core and the trembling stop. The last angel slowly got up so I took out Aneko's hatchet and using all of my strength I swung the hatchet at his body and sliced his body in half.
'With the Matrix, these angels are nothing.'
I put the hatchet away and looked at the burning city.
'But who shot the fire?'
Out of nowhere something hits me so hard I was slammed into the earth. I was buried deep in the earth, probably 30 miles.
'Damn, it's so hot in here.'
I sighed and blasted out of the earth and crashed into Aiden. I grabbed his mask and punched it so hard it slightly cracked and he went flying away. I blasted after him and he crashed on some kind of dry flat desert.
"How are you still alive? I killed all of your angels?" I asked
He groaned and stood up but he clutched his chest in pain.
"You think I'm stupid? I know about the damn curse that's why I backed up some of my powers. Like how you would put things in a storage." said Aiden
"Smart." I sighed
Aiden coughed a bit.
"I was so close you bastard." he growled
"Yea way too close." I sighed
I stood about 40 feet away from him.
"Why did you have to betray Demon like that?" I asked
"I used her in the first place." replied Aiden
My eyes widened.
"You what?" I questioned
"I only used her to gain what I wanted." he said
"Why?" I asked
"During the war she awakened her augmentations. I was jealous for not being able to gain such power." said Aiden
"What war?" I questioned
"A war over the power of augmentations." said Aiden
'This is my first time hearing this.'
"Demon succeeded and she was one of the four to receive it. I didn't have any powers back then so I had to use her in order to achieve my goals but I knew that she didn't agree with me." said Aiden, "She never agreed about destroying every earth until I faked my death. She went on a conquest because she regretted not doing what I wanted to do."
'So that's why Demon stopped so easily. Not because of me but because she forced it upon herself.'
"Does it finally click in your head?" asked Aiden
"It doesn't prove your point. Why do you want to destroy the multiverse and unite everyone?" I asked
"Because I don't want people to know the difference between good and evil. Because of that we all sin, that's why I wanted to erase that." said Aiden
"But humans all make mistakes." I said
"Who said I'll be using humans to live here?" asked Aiden
My eyes widened after hearing that.
'Not humans? Then what is he going to use?'
"Aiden stop this. Ada still loves you." I said
"Oh so you're giving Ada to me?" asked Aiden, "She'll come to me no matter what."
Aiden stood up straight and he began to glow.
"Killing me will not change anything." said Aiden
"We'll see about that."