
Ryu's POV

I was sitting on a chair and watched as people were using the visiting booth. On the other side prisoners were either being escorted or talking to their visitors.

"Ryu Kim, you're up." said an officer

I got up and took a seat in front of a window. I waited for about 2 minutes until I saw him, my father. My father was now old, he had a beard and a mustache and he has more wrinkles. When he made eye contact with me his mouth dropped and his eyes widened. I picked up the phone and he did the same.

"You're..." whispered my dad

"Yea, I'm him." I replied

"You haven't aged at all." he whispered

"That's cause I met you 7 hours ago." I replied

My dad looked confused but he sighed and looked up at me.

"This is my first time having a visitor." said my dad

"I see." I simply replied

My dad looked at me.

"Your name, it's Ryu right?" he asked

"Yea." I replied

"Ryu, I'm so sorry for the embarrassment I brought upon you." he said

"Don't apologize." I said

My dad looked up at me with confused eyes.

"You did what you did." I sighed, "I didn't come here because I wanted your apology."

I pulled out a piece of paper and slammed it against the window.

"I'm here because I'm getting you out." I said

His eyes widened and he began to tear up.

"W-why?" he asked

"I'm not doing this because I'm forgiving you. I'm doing this because maybe it's the last thing my mom wanted." I said, "She wasn't able to visit you because she was ashamed so I guess apologizing to her is what she wants."

I put the piece of paper away.

"I hate both of you, to the bottom of my heart I do. I wish you could rot here and I wish the worst for my mom. But I can't come to that conclusion because I'm no different." I said, "I'm taking you home next week. I want you to think of an apology when you see her."

I put the phone away and got up and with one last look at my dad I turned and left. I left the jailhouse and made my way back to the alleyway and teleported myself to California. I've never been to California and it was hot here. I used my Matrix to scan the area and find the person I was looking for but then I raised an eyebrow.

'She's here, but why is there such a huge crowd around her?'

I looked at the crowd and it was standing in front of this theater. I raised an eyebrow and I looked around at the posters and my eyes widened. There were multiple posters of a girl kpop group and one of them was Hannah, my old friend.

I looked at the crowd and I saw a bunch of security guards push through the fans and I saw her, Hannah Park. Hannah was smiling with her kpop members while waving but then she looked at me. I quickly turned around and left not wanting to be a part of it.

'Did she see me? If she did, does she recognize me?'

I began walking down the street but then I felt someone run up to me from behind. I turned around and it was a security guard.

"Hey Ha-"

I elbowed the arm he was holding my shoulder and with that same arm I hit his rib. He gasped in pain and fell backwards, clutching his ribs. That's when the reporters and everyone began to aim their cameras towards me so I used my Matrix and shut off all of their technology. All of them seemed confused so I took that opportunity to run away.

I ran down the street and away from the building but when I thought I was in the clear a black van pulled up next to me. The door opened and I groaned when I saw that it was a couple members from the kpop team.

"Get in." excitedly said one of the girls

I sighed in annoyance, I wanted to meet Hannah privately but I guess not. I reluctantly entered the van where there were 7 girls, one of them was Hannah. When she saw me her eyes widened and she covered her mouth.

"Ryu is that you?" she asked

I nodded and she began eyeing me up and down.

"You... you grew up a lot." she said

"You changed." I replied

She had short blue hair with a lot of earrings, decent amount of makeup and other accessories.

"I missed you so much!" she excitedly said

She hugged me and I was really confused so I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back.

"Wait I'm confused. You missed me?" I asked

"Yea why?" she asked

"Okay let me get this straight. You left me." I said

Everyone in the van stopped chatting and looked at us.

"Look I didn't even know you were in a kpop group until a minute ago." I said

"Ryu I'm sorry about that. Things came at me all of a sudden." she said while smiling, "How about I make it up? Come to our studio with us."

"Huh?" I questioned

"We're here." said the driver

We entered a garage and everyone piled out of the van. Hannah grabbed my hand and led me out but I really didn't want to be a part of it.

"How have you been? What brings you to California?" asked Hannah

"I uhh well I've been okay." I replied

"Really? You're probably in college." she said

"Oh, yea I attend Princeton university." I replied

"Really? Since when were you smart?" asked Hannah

"I don't know." I replied

"You got really tall. Have you been working out?" she asked

I did grow two inches so I'm around 5'11 and I have been working out but my body isn't as big as a bodybuilder. It's probably around the same size as Bruce Lee. We entered an elevator and went up some floors and entered this narrow hallway. But at the end of the hallway a guy was waiting but when he turned around my eyes widened.

"Ryu remember Nikolo?" asked Hannah

Nikolo was a big bully throughout elementary school. He would always bully me but he was nice to Hannah, the thing is Hannah didn't know it was Nikolo who bullied me. Nikolo is part Korean part Black and he's about 6 feet tall, probably taller and he was muscular.

"Huh? Who's he Hannah?" asked Nikolo

"You don't remember him babe?" asked Hannah


"He's Ryu Kim, he went to the same elementary school as us." said Hannah

"Ohh Ryu Kim! It's been so long!" he excitedly said

He tried to bro hug me but I rejected it. Nikolo just laughed awkwardly and I sighed.

"Hannah I uhh, don't really have much to say so can you give me a minute of your time?" I asked

"Yea sure." she replied, "Can you wait babe?"

"Yea take your time." replied Nikolo

Nikolo pat my shoulder before entering a room.

"Do you want to go get coffee or-"

"Hannah, enough." I cut her off

She looked confused.

"Hannah I didn't come here to have a reunion." I said

"W-what? Then why did you uhh come here?" she asked

"I came here to properly say goodbye." I said

Her eyes widened and she looked a bit distressed.

"What do you mean? We just met after 10 years of not seeing each other." she said

"You left without saying goodbye." I said, "And I came to properly say goodbye to you."

"Wait Ryu that doesn't make sense why would you do that?" she asked

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"This is the last time we'll be seeing each other." I said

"Wait Ryu you can't-"

"I'm sorry." I said

I turned to leave but she grabbed my arm.

"Ryu why are you doing this to me?" she asked

"I'm just... sick and tired of people leaving me. Just like you." I said

I pulled my arm away and sighed.

"Goodbye Hannah." I said

I got on the elevator and left the building. I sighed in relief and just shook my head.

'I guess I'm done here.'


2 weeks later

Ryu's POV

I was laying in a prison cell all alone for about 2 weeks. It was really nice to be alone for once since I could just rest and not deal with anymore problems. A week ago I helped my dad out of prison and brought him to my mom and it was awkward at first but my dad begged my mom for forgiveness and apologized so she forgave him.

Now, I'm just glad no one bothers me anymore. I prevented Demon, my dad and my mom from ever visiting until I'm ready to see them but so far, Aneko, Kishimoto, Lydia and Aragorn have visited the most. Aneko would sometimes come by herself or with Aragorn. Kishimoto would always come with Lydia and we would talk for a pretty long time. Even Aerin and the queen visited me twice.

"Oi Ryu."

I looked at the door and Aneko was standing there.

"Hey." I greeted

I got up and sat on the floor and Aneko sat in front of me, the force field between us.

"You visit me quite often. Doesn't Kishimoto find that a bit weird?" I asked

"He doesn't know." she replied

I smiled and sighed.

"Remember the final words you said to me?" I asked

Her eyes widened and she started blushing a bit.

"Was it true?" I asked

Aneko played with her fingers and sighed.

"Yea, it wasn't a lie." she replied

I felt my cheeks blush and I just laughed.

"That's nice to know." I laughed

Aneko just smiled and put her hand on the force field.

"I really do love you." she said

I smiled and placed my hand where her hand was.


I gasped as I saw Kishimoto and Lydia standing there. Lydia had her mouth wide open and Kishimoto looked surprised.

"Oi oi are you two dating?" asked Lydia

"Oi oi calm down Kishimoto." said Aneko

"Ryu, you're my friend but stay away from my sister." hissed Kishimoto

"Eh?" I questioned

"Oi Kishimoto shut up." snapped Aneko, "I don't need someone's permission to love someone."

"Sorry." he replied

"Wait love?! This is way too much for my brain to handle." said Lydia

"Guys we're not dating." I said

"Yea we're not dating, I just admitted I have feelings. I'm not really looking forward to date someone yet." said Aneko

"Well congrats Ryu, you're the first person Aneko laid eyes on." said Kishimoto, "But I swear if you get freaky with her-"

Aneko interrupted Kishimoto by putting him in a headlock.

"Oi I said shut up." snapped Aneko

"Okay okay." wheezed Kishimoto

'Yea this is going to be a very eventful time in jail.'

The end

There will be a third book called Augmentation 3 so heads up!