As Anko was telling stories about Dad I asked
"What's Blood release? Is it a Kekkei Genkai?"
"That Gaki is the million dollar question! Dad never told me about it, but I do know it was unique to him" muttered Anko
"Maybe you should ask Kaa-san she may have an Idea about it"
"She won't answer it that I'm sure she'll just shrug it off till she feels I'm ready"
"Well lets make sure you're ready Gaki! Its time to Train your Genin!"
Several minutes Later
"You're not using me as an experiment are you?"
"No, certainly not Gaki!, *ehem* Ok Time to be serious"
Whats with the sudden change of her aura?
"I heard from Kaa-san that you finished the leaf exercise? well from here on out you're not allowed to play with Ino or Hinata unless our sessions are over!" She glared at me
"Hey! Don't-"
"Ye-Yes! Anko-san!" She inherited mom's tone all right
"Hmm lets try Tree walking I'm pretty sure you'll get it right on the first try here I'll show you, just observe your Onee-chan" As soon as she said that She slowly walked up towards the tree.
I already know the basics? since I've read it as soon as I learned to read and watched the show I think this should be easy.
"See its not so hard Gaki! if you practice hard enough you'll be lik- Gaki?" She didn't know where he was "Did he run away while I was showing off?" That Brat!
While Anko was thinking of different ways to tor- train Ryu, Ryu was just beside Him
"Ano Anko-Chan, I'm finished and can do it repeatedly see? Can I play now?"
"What? Since when? Pft, you really got his genes huh, do it 5 more times, and after the fifth stay there for 30 Minutes!"
"But why I already perfected it didn't I?"
"Don't act like a smart-ass around me Gaki, I want to test your chakra control and quantity to see if we can learn water walking tomorrow"
After 30 minutes of Seeing Anko eat Dango's in front of me
"Good good, you really take it also from me! As your Onee-chan! I'm proud of you!" She muttered
"So Anko-chan can I play now?" My investments are waiting for me you know.
"No, when Mom left she told me that you're going to meet someone soon and wanted you to wait here, also its still early in the morning no one really wakes up early in the morning unless they want to you know"
"Eh you're right I guess? But do you know who we are going to meet?"
"Its a secret Gaki!"
I think I already know who it is and as if on cue
"Eh? Who is the bushy brow sensei?"
"Oi Guy! Don't go kicking people's ground like its your house!"
"Hello Anko! And You must be Ryujin! Ah still early in the morning and already practicing! This is what I call YOUTH!"
Please tell me he already has Lee please please Invidia-sama! I don't want to be a second coming or rather third coming of the Might lineage!
"You remind me of my current disciple Rock Lee! Though you are more youthful than him still He has the Power of YOUTH! and today I will share it with you Little Ryujin!"
"So Guy is the one who Akemi-san talked about huh? Hey guy mind telling me why?"
"Aside from wanting to share the power of youth" as soon as he said that he looked at me with signature pose and smile
"Damn do those teeth shine"
"My father and me wanted thank Eito-sama this way, when I heard from Akemi-sama that Ryu here was gonna practice soon Father told me to Oversee his foundation all the way to Taijutsu! To which Akemi-sama agreed"
"What about when you go for missions?"
"Ah no worries My YOUTHFUL father will come in my stead and teach him"
While they were talking I remembered Saitama's training method, what if I show this to Guy? What will he say? Will I gain the power of Saitama?
"Ano Guy-sensei what do you think of this training for building my foundations" I then told him Saitama's training method to which
"This? Little Ryu.."
Will I really be able to One-punch people in this world?
It was this moment I knew I fucked up.
"Tell me Guy what did Ryu-kun tell you to get you this excited?"
"Anko its.." and Guy repeated what I said to him
"Wow Gaki I never knew you had it in you, but you should start slow!"
"What Anko is saying is right Ryu I appreciate your effort to be this Youthful as young as you are but there are no shortcuts! But this method is still doable!" As Guy said that I already resigned to my fate
"Troublesome" I muttered lowly
"We will start now Little Ryu! I will modify it a bit to suit your body and add a few more exercises that is benificial"
"Goodbye Ryu-Chan!" Anko said as she shunshined away.
"Now let us begin!"
After an Hour of Training with Guy
"Phew, Guy sensei are we done?" I said as I laid down on my back
"Yes little Ryu! Your Regime is really good for you I'm Proud! I have to leave now to train my other Disciple! See you tomorrow Little Ryu!"
And with that I'm all alone and I doze off to sleep.
I woke up to the feeling of something licking my face
"What's a cute baby fox like you doing here? And since when where you here?
As if it didn't care about me it jumped on my chest and nestled in it, without a care I touched its fur to which it seemed like it liked it."
"Do you want to stay with me little fox" to which it licked my hand
"Hmmm what about a name?"
Did this fox throwed a gaze of contempt at me?
"Well what about Yasaka?"
It jumped off my chest and licked my face to show its happiness. So she's a girl? Well If I can't have the ideal Yasaka might as well get a pet named right after her.