
"Guy *huff* sensei, are we done yet?"

"Nonsense Young Ryu! with the regime you told me I've modified it so it'll be practical on your little body! I myself am impressed that you're so youthful to think an appropriate training method on your body"

Yes it was early in the morning and I was building my foundation with Guy sensei, I also asked him what he thought of Saitama's training method if he were to use it he just said

"IT LACKS YOUTH!!!!!" I thought I'd never saw Guy getting angry at a regime that made Saitama destroy people with One-punch, either Narutoverse is too strong or that Saitama's training made him unlock his true power?

"Back to your training method Ryu, do you want to grow muscles that bulge out and make you an easier target?"

"No" Of course not! I don't want to look like a Body Builder!

"That method was only good for boys like you! but if you master that method within this year I'll modify it once again and put Weight seals!"

"Weight seals? Guy-sensei whose weight seals are we going to use?"

"Of course from your Mother!"

I felt sweat dripping down my back faster than before when he said that my mother would provide the weight seals, I'm pretty sure she'll tamper it and make it even heavier than what Guy intends for me to train.

"Back to the point Ryu, the reason why I modified it is to make your muscles compact! to make you look slimmer while also making you pack a punch! and sooner or later You, Me and Lee will run using our hands 5 laps around the Borders of Konoha to exercise and show the power of our YOUTH!!"

Eito-Sama would be proud of me to make his child more handsome and more youthful than he was!

"Invidia-Sama please nerf Guy's passion in teaching taijutsu on me!"

"Now now Ryu we have rested enough time for you to Run 3 Laps from the Estate to the Hokage Tower!"


As the duo were running their laps, Anko was on her way to reach Otogakure.

"I hope I'm not too late and she' still there, but what do I do about Kaa-san though? I feel like she knows that even without Ryu doing anything the girl will still fall on Ryu's Laps?"

As she was traveling and nearing her destination

"Hmm ANBU? what are they doing here? Unless!? I have to contact Akemi-sama! shit I have to hide and find her fast!"

[Hiding in Surface Technique]

"Lets just hope they don't have sensor-nins in their group


"Yasaka! I'm finished bathing already where are you! Its time to eat!" where is my fur ball I swore Yasaka was here in the compound before I left, oh well time to eat she'll comeback I hope.

"Whats that banging on my door?" as Ryu opens the door he saw Yasaka with fresh flowers in her mouth

"Eh? did you bring this for me? Hmm, wait these are too fresh and look too cultivated not from the wild, Yasaka did this come from Ino?"

Not bothering answer to his question Yasaka just nestled her way into Ryu's head after he accepted the flowers

"If its from Ino, I guess I'm one step closer huh? and to think that as young as she is, she's already thinking way ahead of her peers, not that i'm complaining, but what about Hinata? I really can't decide if I should take Hinata as well since if I do Boruto and Himawari won't be born? Unless I do it myself? but Naruto? Ah screw it I'll do it when the opportunity arises I'm here to live my life!"


"Ryu dear where are you?" I suddenly heard Mom's voice, I'm not sure if I should be happy or not since I haven't heard that tone for a long time

"Ara~ Ryu I heard that you finished Tree Walking already! I'm so proud of you, now we will move on to Water Walking!"

"But Mom I want to play! its already afternoon isn't time for me to play?"

"Hmm but your friends are busy dear"

"And how would you know that Mom?" Wait why did I say this out loud

"Ara~ looks like someone forgot what I was called when I was younger, look like you need more training than I though Ryu-chan" she smiled and grinned evilly looking at me

"And to answer your question I asked their parents, The Ino-Shika-Cho trio will be opening their Chakra pathway together so they'll improve their combination in advance, as for little Naruto he's gonna move next to us!"

At this point I was ready to run, but when I was about to put my foot on the ground she stared at me daring for me to make a run for it, when my foot was placed on the ground she appeared in front me and grabbed my head

"Ara~ time to tor- *cough* train you more Ryu!"

I swear I was born into a family of Sadists!


"Now follow after me Ryu, Water walking has the same principle as tree walking, now what happens if I step on water?"

"You create ripples?"

"Good, for each wave that is generated by water you also have to adjust the chakra you placed on your feet, we'll start first with you balancing on water, go to the middle of the lake!"

After a good thirty minutes of me trying to walk perfectly in and out of the lake

"Here come's my favorite part, how I wish your father was here to see this!"

I'm in danger

"Stay there and try to dodge anything I throw at you understood? and for every 2 minutes that you have successfully dodged I'll summon a clone to throw more things at you!" She smiled

"But Mom! Why do I have to do this right now?"

"Do you think full-fledged shinobi would just allow you to stand there or waltz in so you could cast your jutsu? you're dead wrong Ryu, I'm training you like this so you can not only understand the basics of Chakra control but I'm training your instincts and reflexes! We'll start in 3, 2"

I'm also letting out my stress after that talk with that Old-Monkey but I'd never tell you fufu~

As soon as she said 2 she threw a Kunai at me! Not just any Kunai but a Kunai with an Explosive tag! needless to say i fell down the lake and had to stand up again

"Lesson 1 Ryu, Deception is always part of a Shinobi, you do anything to survive to in any situation, information and deception will always play vital role when engaging enemies"

"Oh to sweeten up the deal and make you work harder, I'll teach you Shadow clone and Water clone if you finish satisfactorily of course, and if you somehow survive for an hour I'll teach you Chakra scalpel and Mystical Palm"

"Deal!" wait did she say an hour? wouldn't that mean 30 more Spartan sadists trying to kill me?

Screw me, fine then I'll survive this so I can be with my special friends a let all my clones do all the work!


Back at Otogakure

"Where is she? Damn I knew I should have made her marking seal last longer, These Damned ROOT, I can only find the places where the mark was last seen active"

As Anko was searching for the child she heard a familiar voice.

"Please don't come near me! I don't want to hurt any of you! "

"So you came here to get purified like the rest of us huh? Well we'll purify you ourselves! ain't that right boys?"

"No please!"


Blue shards were formed aiming at the boys that were intending to purify the girl but before the shards came into contact it was stopped by snakes and the boys were also knocked unconscious

"Finally found you Gaki"


"I told you I would come back for you, what do you say Gaki? wanna come home with me?"

"But I'm a-!"

"Gaki, you're not a demon, you're just like me! I'm a girl am I? so are you! I can even summon snakes but does that mean I'm lesser than other people? No, I'm me because I accept who I am, and you should too Gaki, I'll teach you how to control your powers and some people I know would love to have you and treasure you, so what do you say Gaki?"

"Anko-chan c-can I really come with you?" as she sobs and tears coming down from her face

"Like I said Gaki, I'll always welcome you with open arms"


"I know it's late Gaki but, what is your real name?"

"Ano- it is"