As Akemi went outside the office of the Hokage leaving him to bleed his nose out he called out to Naruto
"Naruto-chan! come here!"
"Aunt Akemi!" Naruto ran fast to escape the two ANBU staying with him
Akemi noticed that Naruto had dried tears and looked at two ANBU with a glare before turning back to look at Naruto
"There there Naruto let's go Home" Naruto just looked up a Akemi and the two ANBU was startled at her words
"Aunt Akemi? what do you mean home? I just got here and do I have to go back to the orphanage again?" Naruto was almost close to tears again when he heard that they were going home.
"No Naruto, you're coming with me and you'll be staying with us for a while before your Hokage-jiji takes you to your new home" she said softly to Naruto
"Will I be alone again?"
"No, Ryu, Anko or Me will wake you up always and we'll check up on you! I heard the Old-man wants you to live alone so you can be independent and when you're big enough you will replace him when you grow up!"
"SO THIS MEANS I CAN BE HOKAGE AUNT AKEMI?" Naruto's eyes lit up when he heard the he could be Hokage if he follows his aunt.
"Yes, Naruto you will be and I'll teach you how to live independently while you're still with us and I'll oversee your training from now on too!"
"Training? will I be stronger Aunt Akemi?!" he exclaimed
"Yes, Training" Akemi nodded with her signature smile.
"Now let's go shopping new clothes for you Naruto! tell me what you want and I'll get it for you"
"Yosh! Thank you Aunt Akemi! can we also go to Ichiraku?"
After they left the Hokage tower the two ANBU that were listening.
"We have to report this to Danzo-sama"
but before they could arrive to their HQ
"Who said both of you could leave? Kakashi!"
"Yes Akemi-sama"
And in an instant both ANBU were dead and were stored in a storage scroll before they would be incinerated somewhere.
"Kakashi, tell Tenzo to mark this area, this could be one of many paths that could lead us to their HQ when the time is ripe, even though he has a seal that doesn't mean that he can't mark places with his Wood release"
"Yes Akemi-sama"
"Come let's meet Anko"
As they were travelling to pick up Anko, Akemi could notice Kakashi's body language
"Do you have anything on your mind Kakashi?"
"I do Akemi-sama, I have tons of questions but"
"Oh, do tell me I may even answer some of them if that's all right with you"
"You see after I retire I've taught Tenzo everything I knew from tactics to fighting, but I don't know if he's ready to lead yet and with the Uchiha prodigy joining I'm not sure if he's ready to teach him"
"Hmm interesting, another Uchiha prodigy huh? first that kid that could use body flicker during fights and now another one? Anyways, if you're really unsettled about it Kakashi why not stay for awhile and train them? a few more years wouldn't hurt you and you could a successor while you're at"
"I'll take it into consideration Akemi-sama"
"No worries me and Kushina doted on you a lot when you were younger, I'll alway be here to help"
"Kakashi there! the seal is flaring up come!"
"Guy-sensei are we done?"
"Congratulations little Ryu! now you have completed the first part of the ultimate YOUTH training regime! I won't be around tomorrow since I have to do missions but my youthful father will be the one who'll oversee you"
"Ano- will he change the regime?"
"Change? No, in fact he was the one who made the regime for you! I'll tell him your progress later and he'll know what to do."
"Thank you Guy-Sensei!"
"No worries little Ryu! As long as we keep training no one can stop the power of our youth! See you soon!"
And with that He ran using his hands towards the Hokage tower I guess, but thanks to his training I feel like I have more stamina and I hope I won't pass out of chakra exhaustion early than expected since Mom will teach me jutsu's later
As Ryu was thinking on how to abuse his clones in battle, he was taken out of his stupor when he saw Yasaka carrying a basket
"Yasaka? what's that?" as soon as he opened the basket he saw it was full of cookies and Yasaka went up to his usual spot of sleeping at Ryu's head
"Cookies? now who on Konoha would give me these? I'm sure Yasaka wouldn't just accept this without knowing someone unless?"
He suddenly though of a certain Hyuga that had a habit of not making her presence known and thinking of how adventurous Yasaka is she concluded it was indeed Hinata.
"So I'm her target of infatuation now huh? she must have also seen Yasaka giving me flowers the other day" Yes that must be it, as happy as he was thinking of Ino and Hinata's show of affection towards him.
"Ah I almost forgot! Tenten! yes lets make my presence known to her! Its still early for Mom to come back she said she was busy today"
As Ryu was wandering around the streets of Konoha, he finally found Tenten's shop
"Ah this must be it!" he was slowly opening the door when he heard a child-like voice
"Hello! welcome to our shop how may I help you?"
Yes she's here! finally I can interact with her.
"Cutee!" when the girl saw a small fox resting on the boy's head
Yasaka just opened her eyes for a bit and then went back to sleep
"Hello I'm Minakami Ryujin uhm may I know who you are?"
"Uh Hello!? call me Tenten!" Not knowing what to do when a handsome boy suddenly introduced himself to her needless to say she was flustered.
"So are you here to buy for yourself or for others Ryujin-kun?" Asked Tenten who couldn't keep her blushing in check
"Ah you can call me Ryu Tenten-san!" Yes fall into my tra- uhm friendship! as Ryu thought to himself
"Ugh then Ryu-kun you can just call me Tenten as well!" She smiled
"So Ryu-kun what brings you here? do you want to buy something? I may not look like it but I know how to handle the weapons here!"
"Really? then do you have a Tanto here?"
"Yes we have lots of them! come with me at the back I'll show you"
As Tenten guided Ryu inwards to the shop a figure came out
"Hmm looks like Akemi's son has his eyes on my daughter as well? and Tenten looks like she likes him as well, and here I thought didn't express feelings for the opposite sex, fufu~ now how do I tell this to that Man-child of a father she has"
"Here Ryu-kun try this!" it's perfect for you!
"Thanks Tenten!"
"That'll be 5250 Ryo!" muttered Tenten
"What!? Uhm I forgot my money back at home I'm just here to"
As soon as Ryu was about to finish his sentence he saw tears forming in Tenten's eyes
"Ah wait I'll come back with the money soon I promise I'll buy it! just put it under the Manakami Akemi's tab!"
"Yey! Thank you Ryu-kun!" She hugged him out of excitement and before she realized what she had done she quickly collected herself
"Uhm let's go to the counter Ryu-kun! I'll pack it up for you"
"Ye-Yes Tenten" How do I make this awkward atmosphere go away?
"Uhm Tenten? do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Sure Ryu-kun!"
"Do you also want to be a Ninja?"
When Tenten heard that question, her eyes sparkled and answered excitedly
"Yes! I want to be like Tsunade-sama! showing that kunoichi can be strong too! do you also want to be a ninja Ryu-kun?"
"Definitely! I want to be strong to protect the ones I love!"
After hearing that question Tenten went into her own world asking herself
"Am I part of the ones he loves? No!!! We only met today! but he is cute"
She looked at him with eyes of adoration and soon said
"Mm See you at the Academy Ryu-kun! Oh don't forget about the Money! Bye!!"
"Yes! Goodbye Tenten! See you around!"
Why do I get the feeling she swindled me? I don't care at least I raised a flag with her already.
Its noon, I guess I could eat at Ichiraku, It's been awhile, as soon as he turned around to go to Ichiraku
"Is that Mom, Naruto and Ino?"
"Goldie-kun can you give to Jun-kun please?" as she gave Naruto a bunch of flowers
"Why should I Ino-chan? why not do it yourself or Yasaka??" Naruto clearly irritated on why he has to do this stuff when Yasaka was always available
"Because Yasaka is too lazy today and I have to practice under Dad!"
"Ara~ Ino-chan Naruto is right why not do it yourself and besides look!" pointing
"Aunt Akemi?" as she titled her head for a while and went to look at the direction Akemi was pointing
"Ehhhhh?!" She muttered and blush
"Mom! Naruto! Ino!" shouted Ryu
Ino stunned not knowing what to do was given a push by Akemi
"Ara~ If you want him then give it to him now, I saw Yasaka carrying a basket from Hinata earlier, I'm supporting you Ino-chan!" as she quietly whispered into the girls little ear.
"I have to do it! I don't want to lose to Hinata!" A fire burned in her eyes with reignited passion
"That's the spirit Ino-chan!"
"What did you say to her Aunt? she just became energetic all of a sudden?"
"Just girl things Naruto, when you have a child you'll understand"
"Hmm I'll have my own family when I become Hokage believe it Aunt Akemi!"
"Sure Naruto, but she has to go through me first!"
As Ryu was nearing the group of three he was greeted by Ino with flowers in her, as she was nearing a single stalk fell and as Ino was about to pick it up.
Wait I remember this scene, Sasuke didn't care when Ino gave him flowers and just left it on the ground and left her! Well time to add more to my invest- *cough* friendships right friendships.
"Ah Ino wait!" Ryu swiftly took it and broke the stalk, shocking Ino, but before Ino could speak Ryu put the Violet flower on the right side of her ear, he smiled at her and said
"You look more cuter like this Ino-chan!"
When Ino heard this statement she took a critical hit on her little heart!
"Moo~ You should be the one blushing now Jun-kun!"
Unbeknownst to them Akemi and Inoichi saw this small interaction
"Looks like little Ino has decided who she likes Inoichi"
"You're right Akemi I can't do anything about it, she takes after her mother after all"
"You're right she does remind me of her, Oh tell Shion I'll be visiting her soon I need more flowers since I'm going to renovate the area around the estate"
"Will Do Akemi"