Early morning a certain trio was seen in Konoha running laps around the gates.
"Ryu-kun! You are as Youthful as Guy-sensei pictured to you to be! You are worthy to be my Rival!"
'Lee does look like Bruce Lee, at least he'll help me grind my taijutsu skills'
"Yeah, by the way Guy sensei can I talk to you for a couple of minutes?"
Guy nodded and gestured Lee to go back to their house since the morning training was already finished.
When they were left alone Guy's eyes shined anticipating what Ryu will tell him "Tell me Ryu what is it? is it another training method you wish for me to modify? I see the power of YOUTH Is brimming with you!!!"
"Ano, Guy-sensei can you teach me the 8 Gates?"
Guy froze after he heard what Ryu said, he looked at him carefully from head to toe then he nodded and showed a smile full of care and concern.
"Sure Ryu, but I'll have to ramp up your training from now on if this is what you want, we'll work on the [Gate of Opening] when you're 7 and after every year we'll try to unlock another gate and by the time your Genin you'll unlock the [Gate of Pain] hopefully by then"
Ryu clearly happy and excited bowed and said "Thank you Guy-Sensei!"
"It's nothing Ryu, We'll always help you when we can"
At a certain flowershop
"Yasaka! Here take this to Ryu" while Ino was preparing her daily deliveries she spotted Yasaka with another basket.
"Eh? So you went to Hinata first today again huh? Guess no pampering for my favorite fox for a week" When Yasaka heard that statement she immediately but carefully placed the basked down and went to Ino's arms
"Hey calm down Yasaka! it's just a joke hehe so you like pampering that much huh, well here take this with that basket, I wanna win Ryu fair and square!" Yasaka took the flowers and put it on top of the basket and quickly left
Unbeknownst to Ino her parents saw what she did and said
"This little girl is getting more bolder and bolder everyday, she reminds me of both Me and Akemi when we were young isn't that right Inoichi?"
"*Cough* Yes *Cough* anyways I'll be taking Ino now, she told me she wanted to practice the Clan techniques today"
"Okay, give her this" Inoichi received a scroll and looked at Shion questioning what was inside
"Its a scroll containing about flowers and poisons with this I hope she'll be interested in learning more about it"
Inoichi just nodded knowing if her daughter wants to keep up with Her love interest she must also work hard.
"Women really are troublesome"
"So I'll be training my Ninjutsu with Itachi and Shisui?"
Kakashi nodded at Ryu's words "Yes, I've already asked Akemi-san and the Hokage about this, before you ask anything, No Danzo does not know about this and this will just be until Itachi is ready to take over my position as captain of Cat Division"
"Can I join ANBU after this training?"
"If you want but I don't recommend it until Danzo's been taken care off, Akemi-san already has plans for him but the exact timing of when it should be executed is kinda hard to predict, Oh and don't you use your [Mokuton] during your training just practice it against Me or Anko but not with them, the fewer the people know the better for now."
Yes Kakashi started training me around 2 months ago since Mom wanted to speed up my training and mastery of some E and D rank Ninjutsu so I could be more fluid in battle and after that [Chidori] stunt I performed yesterday it made Mom and Kakashi conclude that I should train my other affinities other than [Mokuton] for the remaining days until I enter the academy
"You know Ryu, when you enter the Academy you can apply for early graduation if you want"
"You're right Kakashi-sensei but I also want to enjoy the time I have in the Academy before I join the Shinobi world, as much as I want to be stronger I also want to have a peaceful life even if its just a little"
Kakashi was happy at Ryu's words and smiled under the mask "Well Ryu, why not follow what me and Itachi did when we were younger? we would leave a Shadow clone"
"Hmm that's what I've been thinking! I'll leave a Shadow clone when You or Anko don't have any missions so you can train me!"
"That sounds like a plan then, now let's go we don't want to make them wait anymore"
In the Hokage Tower
"So do you have anything to say Old-man?" Akemi just looks at Hiruzen angrily before giving him another set of documents
"Here take this, this is what Tsunade-sama said after learning about what happened to the Senju, Anko and Jiraiya's networks confirmed it to be true and they also added new information regarding the movement of Root."
"What are you planning Akemi?" wondered what scheme has she made once more since it had been a long time since she pulled of a stunt of this level.
"Taking care of what should have been done a long time ago, So are you in or are you out Old-man?" Akemi looked at Hiruzen eager for his response.
Hiruzen closed his eyes and remembered the teachings of Hashirama and Tobirama in his mind, all the experiences he could remember whether good or bad was flowing inside his mind one after another memories flooded all the deadly missions, all the sacrifices other people made for Konoha and lastly Kushina and Minato's smile, after awhile a small tear formed at the corner of his right eye.
"I'm in, leave Danzo to me he has already done enough, I'll do it myself, keep Koharu and Homura out of this or at least just imprison them no other blood shall be spilled" Hiruzen visibly aged after he said that statement knowing that this course of action will lead to a new and better future for Konoha.
"Akemi bef-"
"Shut it I don't want to be Hokage, give it to Tsunade or Shikaku, you're approval of this mission is enough, as for when it shall be executed leave it to me Kakashi will give you a heads up" with that Akemi left the wallowing Hokage who looked like he lost a lover
'I gotta say Old-man you really do have balls to kill your lov-*cough* friend'
"Now all we have to do is gather enough evidence"
"Whew! Fighting against 3 on 1 is hard you guys almost forced me to use my Sharingan" Kakashi proudly looked at the three of them
"Good Job Ryu, honestly I thought you were gonna hold us back" Shisui just grinned while looking at Ryu
"It's okay Shisui-kunI'm just doing the support role here after all, I still can't fight Taijutsu battles with anyone"
"Shisui's right Ryu, You did a good job better than expected maybe a few years from now you'll be in our places and wearing an ANBU uniform Itachi nodded at Shisui's words
"Say Shisui-kun can you teach me how to use body flicker during fights? It looks very strong"
"Hm I'll teach you if you can beat me!" 'Though I doubt it for now'
"I'll hold on to that promise Shisui-kun!"
'Damn Shisui and Itachi are really kind, I don't want them to die now, maybe I'll ask mom to help the Uchiha's knowing her I think she already has it planned out'
"All right that's it for now every one!" Kakashi took them out of their thoughts, "Shisui, Itachi you can leave now! we have to prepare for our missions"
"Understood!" the two then left leaving Kakashi and Ryu Alone
"So how do you feel Ryu? That was ANBU level training I only gave you a taste of what High-level ninja's are capable off, though your mastery is good, sometimes you need help and use that as an advantage, sometimes your teammates are your greatest assets as they will always have your back and sometimes you also have to think outside of the box to help you and your team out of certain situations" Kakashi smiled underneath his mask as he remembered his youth with Minato, Obito and Rin.
"Let me give you a piece of advice Ryu-kun though its early and you're still not a ninja but I'm sure you're more smarter than me when I was at your age, In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, that's true, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum. Rememer that Ryu, always."
"Understood Kakashi-sensei! I'll do my best!"
'Boy hearing it from a screen and hearing it in real life sure hits different, I wonder who will my teammates be when I graduate? but who will be my Jonin though?'
"Now let's go back before Rin starts nagging me from taking you for so long"
"Speaking about Rin-chan, Kakashi-sensei do you-"
"Oops I'm gonna stop you there Ryu, don't ask what you shouldn't or I'll pull a [Thousands years of death] in your ass again.
"Sheesh why are you so defensive Kakashi-sensei you're onl-" before Ryu could finish his sentence he felt something was wrong about the Kakashi in front of him but before he could think more about he heard a shout from behind
[Leaf Village Secret Finger Jutsu: One Thousand Years of Death!]
Kakashi put a small amount of Chakra to propel Ryu into the air
"I already warned you Ryu, I hope Akemi-san forgives me this time" and with that Kakashi followed where Ryu landed and dragged him back to his home
'I'll get you for this soon Kakashi! I swear if its the last thing I do!'