
In a remote area in the village

"Damn it when will it happen? I've been trying to find him for the last 2 months here!"

Needless to say the boy who was complaining was Ryu.

"Ahh!" he suddenly shouted "Finally found you!"


"What is it Lord Danzo? It is almost time for the assembly to start"

"Even if Lord Third is satisfied, the distrust among the Leaf will not go away, will you use your Kotoamatsukami on me too?" before Shisui could reply

"Your Sharingan shall be in my safekeeping!"

Danzo attacked Shisui which Shisui responded by holding and breaking his wrist but before he could retaliate Danzo suddenly disappeared in front him and reappeared

"This shall be mine!" Danzo's hand neared Shisui's eyes but before he could gouge one out

A Leaf ANBU came

"Not on my watch bastard!" A Lightning induced blade blocked Danzo's hand which forced him to take a step back

"You! Who are you! Surround them and Kill them fast!" several root members surrounded the duo

"Shisui stop day dreaming you bastard! Help me now if we want to get out alive from here!"

"Ah" 'That voice Ryu?'

[Earth Style: Bottomless Swamp]

The Root members and Danzo were suddenly sinking on the ground before they could jump out of the swamp

[Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!]

"Damn it" Danzo muttered 'Who is this ANBU with Shisui? Is this another one of Hiruzen's secret operatives? or is it Tenzo?' I can't see his face with that hood and mask!'

[Water Style: Raging Waves!]

Several Root members tried to counter Shisui's fireball but and pierced through it with their numbers but were stopped midway by something

[ Earth Style: Earth-Style Wall!]

"NOW SHISUI LET'S GO!" soon after he shouted both of them left

"After them!" Danzo ordered


"Ryu that's you right?"

"Yeah its me, I can't take of my mask right now I don't to jeopardize this stunt the I pulled today"

"Thanks Ryu" Shisui nodded at him before contemplating on something else

"Don't mention it, thats what friends are for right? besides why were you there with Danzo?"

Shisui snapped out of his stupor before replying

"I was there because he wanted to talk to me about something I didn't know he wanted my Sharingan..I think its best that I die so no one can use this cursed power"

Ryu widened his eyes 'Damn even when I saved him he's still thinking of suicide, I think I should use the Famous Talk no Jutsu? better than nothing'

"Shisui, what do you think will happen when you're gone?"

Shisui solemnly looked at Ryu and slowly said "I don't know, maybe I'll do it in front of Itachi to awaken his Mangekyo so he'll help you in protecting the village against Danzo"

'Damn it think Ryu! What would Naruto say if he were in this situation'

"Shisui are you sure about this? Think of what Itachi would feel, not only him but your family and Sasuke too, if you really go kill yourself Danzo would achieved his goals despite not getting what he wants, maybe it could lead to another war in the village, I know deep down You wouldn't want that, I know you love the Village and would want nothing else but a World of Peace right? Do you think your death would help attain your goal? No it wouldn't it'll only help restart the cycle of hatred, instead Live Shisui not only for yourself but for your dreams!"

Shisui's eyes gleamed after he heard Ryu's world seemingly accepting it and new found determination where found in his eyes "You're right Ryu, I guess I should thank you once more, but I want Itachi to help us and also awaken his Mangekyo"

"I have plans for that why don't we just make him think you died from falling in front of him and I'll catch you below"

"Initially that was my plan but now let's do it, It really is cruel to Itachi but now, so what happens after Ryu? The Coup will still happen and I think we accelerated Danzo's plans"

"I'll tell my Mom she's been waiting for an opportunity and this maybe it, also after Itachi awakens his Mangekyo we'll stop him before he actually kills people, as for Danzo and the Root I think Mom has a plan already"

"Ok I'll find Itachi now"


"Itachi come with me"

"Shisui? fine where are we headed"

Shisui lead Itachi to a cliff and closed his eyes and activated his Mangekyo

"Itachi If civil war breaks out in the Leaf Village, other nations are sure to attack, I was going to try and stop the coup d'etat with Kotoamatsukami, but Lord Danzo wanted to take my eyes and before he does I want you to protect the village"

Shisui then turned around to Itachi

"I accept it what will you do now?" before Itachi could get near Shisui he fell in the cliff

"SHISUI!" Itachi shouted unbeknownst to him he passed out and activated his Mangekyo


'Shit Shit Shit! where is Ryu! Free falling isn't fun as I thought! I'm Sorry Itachi!'

Before he could think more he was suddenly caught by a mud wall

"Oi You bastard! What took you so long!?" Shisui uttered as he did not want to free fall like that again

"I had to make sure Itachi passed out before I could do this, now let's go! while its still early in the morning!"

The duo then left towards the Minakami estate by transforming to civilians and with Ryu concealing their chakra with seals.


Itachi soon woke up and went back to his room clearly sad at the loss of his friend but was unsettled that he had awakened his Mangekyo with it

"Shisui I-" before he could talk to himself a Root operative appeared in front him

"Lord Danzo calls for you Itachi"


"Danzo" Itachi said slowly but hatred could be seen in his eyes

"Where is the "Lord"? Itachi you dare disrespect me?"


"Good, tonight we'll do it, an unexpected event occured that's why we have to accelerate the plans now"

"If you touch Sasuke I swear I'll take and show the classified information about Konoha to the other villages Danzo! Remember our deal"

"I am a man of my word Itachi"


On the outskirts of Konoha

"So You've finally come back to me Itachi Uchiha"

Itachi looked at the Masked man uncomfortably "Madara"

"So what will you do now Itachi? Now that you've come to me I supposed you accepted the terms, of course I won't touch your little brother as promised and will help you in anyway"

"Tonight, we do it tonight"

"Oh hasty are we? fine I'll help and I assume Danzo is on it too? I'll let him live a little longer"


"So they've already made their move huh?" Akemi asked Shisui and Ryu

"Yes, I think tonight Danzo will do it since he cannot risk it, we also noticed when we returned here the security got tightened by Root members and not ANBU."

"Understood, I'll alert Fugaku now to hide the innocents, Shisui I want you to stay near the compound so when Itachi appears stop him before it's too late."

"Naturally Akemi-san"

Akemi then looked towards Kakashi, "Kakashi tell the Old-man to get ready tonight"

Kakashi soon left with the all the speed he could do

"Jiraiya, lets go to Fugaku now and put the seals around the hideout and the compound just in case something else happens, I think tonight will be a very long night"

"Let's go I haven't been to the Uchiha in a long time and I'm sure Fugaku would also love to put more protection seals around the compound" Before Jiraiya could say more words he was interrupted by a woman

"I"ll stay here and wait for the night, If I see that Old-man and his Lover Kami knows what I'll do to the both of them"

"You'll have your chance Tsunade-sama"

"*sigh* I'll do everything I can to avenge Nawaki and Dan, to think Danzo had a hand in everything and Hiruzen covered for him all the time" Tsunade's eyes flash with anger but quickly calmed down

"What about me Mom?" Ryu asked as he also wanted to help the Uchiha clan.

"No, you're staying here you just got lucky because you had the element of surprise earlier, I know you can fight them One on One but against a group you're still not ready for It."


"Oi Kid listen to your Mom! leave it to the adults you're still too young for this!" Tsunade snapped at Ryu after learning of his intentions

"Tsunade-sama is right Ryu, leave it to us nothing will happen, we've planned it already for a long time now" Akemi smiled at Ryu full of concern and love.

"Ok I'll stay here and wait for you then" Ryu grumbled

'I feel like I'm forgetting something, I hate this feeling the last time it happened was when Kurama was released, I'll still go out and do what I can"


On the Valley of the End

"Tonight marks the silent return of Madara Uchiha!"