

"Kakashi give me a status update"

Kakashi nodded and replied "We're all good Akemi-san all the Root members that were sent here have already been killed"

Suddenly a man and a few jonins appeared wearing the standard Konoha flak jacket but with the Uchiha symbol on the back

"Akemi-san is there anything else we can help?" Fugaku asked

"Tenzo, Take Fugaku and the Falcon division with you to the location of the Root Headquarters and eliminate any Root and if they surrender we'll let the Hokage deal with it" Tenzo nodded and left the area with the rest of the Uchiha and Falcon Division.

Fugaku nodded and before he left he told Akemi "You have my thanks Akemi-san, The Uchiha clan will always be open for you and your family"

Rin noticing something was off asked the new arrival

"Shisui, where did you say Itachi was again?"

Taken out of his thoughts

"Ah right Itachi wen-"


"What was that!?, It came from there! Finish this up quick Kakashi, Shisui and Rin come with me let's investigate!"

'I don't feel so good, this chakra signature is awfully familiar'


[Heavenly Foot of Pain!]

Tsunade slammed her heel on Danzo's head his brain spattered everywhere but soon vanished as he was forced to use another Izanagi

"That was for Nawaki you bastard! 2 more minutes to go!"

Before Danzo could mutter another word he was suddenly launched once more

[Heaven Spear Kick!]

"Die!" Tsunade screamed releasing all her frustration and depression she had experienced over the years on the man in front of him, Danzo landed on a pipe and was pierced through the heart, which forced him to use Izanagi once more.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and the Old-man while waiting for Danzo to revive

"Oi Jiraiya, Why are you and the Old man just standing there! Oh I think I Akemi forgot to tell you this early, but Danzo ordered to kill your precious students in Ame I think it was Yahiko, Konan and Nagato? and he succeeded to"

"HE WHAT!?" Jiraiya surprised about this information was angered to the extreme with thoughts of ending the man called Danzo, suddenly Chakra formed at the palm of his hands unknowingly he created The [Big Ball Rasengan] in his anger.

"DANZO!!!" When Danzo was about to reappear he was met with an angered Jiraiya and huge rasengan appeared in front of him blasting him once more

As soon as Danzo was blasted away Tsunade look at the the Sharingan's on Danzo's armed and she noticed only 1 was still open '1 more'

'So this is how I end huh? getting toyed by them I guess dying in Konoha is better than dying somewhere on a random bridge'

Tsunade knowing that this was probably Danzo's last chance to revive decided to let his Sensei do it before she thoroughly mutilates his body

"Old man, on the night of the attack"

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow after hearing this statement wondering what information Akemi has told Tsunade once more

"The ANBU guards that were stationed there to protect your wife were not ANBU but ROOT, your wife could have lived and even escaped if Danzo hadn't had them replaced by a lesser amount of guards that were supposed to be larger at the time."

Hiruzen's expression darkened once more, his one question answered one why there were close to none ANBU at the time.

"Danzo" He muttered the name looked at the Man once more seemingly thinking of all the ways he could end him but before his mind could do it his body reacted first thrusting his black staff on his friends face and soon another beating commenced which was more brutal than what Tsunade did on Danzo.

"Oh looks like that was the last straw for the Old-man looks like I have to clean up after him if he isn't dead by then, Fugaku can you take the men to clean up all the bodies and search for rooms just in case Danzo has more hidden personnel if they surrender take them if they don't feel free to let loose"

Tsunade looked at the bloodshed both the three of them committed, he looked towards Jiraiya who looked distraught of the news and finally looked at the old man whose eyes were burning with anger eager to kill the man he once called 'Friend'.

Tsunade stretched her body after all the hard work she had done today before uttering

"Well, I guess I'll be staying in Konoha for now, time to gather all the Senju me and Shizune found, but I do want to go to the Casino's after this I'm feeling lucky"


Inside Ryu's Mindscape

A man with Long red hair and pitch black eyes appeared with an overbearing aura that screamed "Reaper", he was clad in Red Armor the same one with Hashirama's armor used in the warring states era.

"So you really survived huh?"

"Yeah, thanks for the inspiration 'Dad'"

A tickmark formed on Eito's head after he heard what Ryu said to him

"Oi Shut it Kid, now ask me any questions if you have any"

"Are you a Chinioke?" Ryu wanted to ask this first since he had awaken the Ketsuryūgan

"No your mom is the Chinoke, she left the clan because during one of my missions in Kiri I found her almost dead and well you know the rest, as for why she doesn't have the Ketsuryūgan, She implanted her eyes in mine because of we were hunted down during that time and the only way to survive was for her to use it but because I didn't want her to die during that time I told her to implant in on me we both didn't know if it was gonna work but somehow it did, And as for your [Wood Release] naturally you inherited your Grandfather Hashirama's genes and cells I suppose, I took on the Uzumaki name just in case there was a chance I would inherit it because if someone were to know I would be hunted and now you will be too" Seemingly Eito opened his Ketsuryūgan in front of him

"Train in it and control it, it'll help you get stronger" Eito said

"Why isn't Mom blind then?"

Eito flinched after hearing this question wanting to smack his son when he could have asked a more reasonable question.

"What special about the blade?" Ryu feeling stupid about his question asked another one

Eito knowing this question would be asked sooner or later answered his son openly

"It's a spirit weapon, its name is Suijin, as for why its red its because it was bathed in my and Akemi's blood, me and your mother found it at the same time we were in Kiri, after your mother implanted her eyes in me I sensed a blade hidden underneath a cave in Kiri calling out to me, So we went in there and the blade suddenly pierced me and your mother in the heart both shocking me and your mother, soon we would wake up with the blade in my hand and all the while your mother and I were healed and her eyes grew back it was no longer black but green, I guess that answers two of your questions now, on another note before you ask about why we are in a mind scape it is one of Suijins properties"

"And the seals?" Wanting to know more about this strange blade

"I sealed parts of my soul and chakra in this bla-" Eito looked at Suijin seemingly it grew longer

"Dad?" Ryu asked his father why he stopped midway in his sentence.

"Ryu, what did you think of when you unsealed the blade?"

"I wanted to protect myself, I wanted it to reach the blade heading down on me, Why?"

'So it corresponds to its wishes huh, even after all this time I still haven't known all its powers'

"Back to the seals, I sealed some parts of my soul and Chakra in the blade I'll impart to you the [Blood Arts : Kenjutsu ] I derived from some parts of the blade and in cooperation with the [Ketsuryūgan] , I don't know but the blade enhances all Chakra natures when imbedded with it especially blood , Even I don't know to what extent it will grow strong, I sealed it for now because I don't want you to be stupid and skip one step, once you reach a certain mastery over the materials and proper usage of the [ Ketsuryūgan ] It will naturally unseal itself."

"Why did you die?" Ryu unhesitantly asked his father

"Not now Ryu, for now there is a being far stronger than the man you encountered I will tell you soon I don't want you to go there and be stupid thinking about avenging me"

"Will you always be here?"

"No, this'll be one of my last meetings with you, every time you release a seal from Suijin, Suijin itself will drag you in it's mind scape allowing you to meet me, since you've unsealed one of the five I've put then you can only meet me 4 more times and like I said Suijin has a Mind scape you can use it anytime but you won't meet me I haven't explored all of Suijin's powers I'm hoping you can"

After Eito seemingly answered all his questions silence covered the area, until he broke the silence.

"So are you living my dream?" He asked in a playful tone not the same one where he used earlier

"What dream?" Ryu asked

"Don't act stupid when you activated the [Ketsurūgan] and went inside the Mind scape I accessed your memories before the Doujutsu could activate all its properties, but anyways who is the lucky girl the Yamanaka? The Hyuga? or that Cute shop attendant?"

"Who do you think it is then?" Ryu smiled he also wanted to talk to him like this since he didn't have a father figure from his last life and also this life, he wanted to use one of the five meetings he has before his father will leave.

"Hmm, My bet is on the Yamanaka one, a bold one I must say, Blonde too you really inherited from me huh? I hope Jiraiya-sensei teaches you how to conduct research soon!" Eito walked forward ruffled his sons hair and hugged him

"I'm proud of you son, oh choose wisely if you don't want your Mom to haunt you every night"

Ryu hugged back his father and nodded, seemingly An image of a father and his child was all that was in the mind scape they stayed that way for minutes.

"I"ll see you soon Ryu, you're already waking up outside, Say hi to Akemi for me oh and tell Anko to tone down the Dango's I don't want her to get fat in the future.


In Konoha hospital

"He's Alive!" Anko shouted

"Ara~ you really went at it Ryu, I hope you have a good explanation when you're fully healed, you should thank Itachi and Tsunade-sama here" Akemi pointed at Tsunade and Itachi to both nodded

"You're good Ryu, Now I have to leave and take care of Izumi" Itachi disappeared

"Akemi, I want to talk to your little brat" Akemi nodded at Tsunade's statement and went outside along with Anko

Tsunade walked forward and sat beside Ryu

"So kid you disobeyed your mother huh? what do you think she felt when she saw you all bloodied up and bruised? She didn't even want to touch you much less heal you when she saw you like that" Ryu looked down with a face full of guilt.


"Tell me kid? I've lost a lot of people in the years I've lived, I don't want to see Akemi becoming like me, A woman who had no desire to live but a desire to just escape this world tell me why disobeyed her and still went there? I hate children like you" Tsunade's tone was full of anger and concern upon this child.

Ryu looked at Tsunade straight in the eyes one full of passion and determination

"I didn't want to see innocent people die, I wanted to live in a world of peace but I know it's close to impossible right now but I want to get stronger, Strong enough so the world will know peace, strong enough to give hope to the hopeless that's what I feel Tsunade-sama that's why I wanted to help in any way I can and Protect the ones I love!."

Tsunade saw a silhouette of Dan and Nawaki smiling in front of her from the Kid, she smiled and took of her necklace and placed it on him

'I'll believe in that Dream once more' Tsunade thought to herself

"I believe in you Ryu, get strong and protect every one you hold dear, why don't you become Hokage while you're at it?" Tsunade smiled and felt like a burden was lifted from her after this statement.

"I Will Tsunade-sama!"


Hiruzen and Jiraiya looked at the corpse in front of them confirming that it will no longer revive suddenly

[Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!]

Hiruzen burned the corpse leaving nothing but Ashes in the wake of the Jutsu

"Let's go Jiraiya nothing more to see here"

"Understood Sensei"

Hiruzen walked out of the Room slowly before uttering

"With this I hope Konoha will prosper the loose ends have finally been cut, I leave now the future to the next generation I hope they will Inherit the will of fire and protect Konoha"