Romance and Drama

When I woke up, the tent was empty. Everything from yesterday came flooding back and i remembered what happened with Dimitri and I last night. I didnt really want to admit it, but this crush is getting out of hand. I mean its one thing if he was like my age and another if he was single. He wasnt either. Its not like i could convince him that i like him more than his girlfriend.

I got up and headed toward the washroom area. I brushed my teeth and showered. I slipped on my jeans shorts and thin shirt. I was in search of my best friend when i bumped into someone and spilled my coffee on their shirt. "I am so sorr-" I looked up to see none other than...Dimitri. Oh Im screwed.

He said a very bad word in Russian and walked off. I sighed. I dumped the cup and followed after him. To hell with Lissy, I need to fix this. He went into the tent to get his jersey and was coming out. I made it to him and was about to apologise when suddenly something burst on my chest and left it soaked.

I looked down and smirked. When i looked up I saw Jesse running through the trees. "Ill apologize later then," I said to Dimitri. I was about to dash off when he pulled me back. "Apologise about?"he asked. I just stared. "Your shirt Comrade, its drenched in my coffee," I said.

He just rolled his eyes and pulled me with him. What the hell? i thought. This man has no sense of fun!! This is utter bullshit. He lead me to the bathrooms and pushed me into one of the stalls. He looked at me and smirked. I rollled my eyes and turned around. He changed his shirt and I sighed

"You need a plan. You cant just attack. They'll see it coming. You need the element of surprise,"he said. I turned around. I thought he was changed but no he was shirtless. I gaped. He just rolled his eyes and i closed my mouth. He was soo frickin sexy! His abs and muscles were sculpted.

The veins in his arms were bulging and looked as sexy as ever. He was so hot he should wear a "WARNING! FLAMMABLE" sign. "Are you finished gawking at my body?"he demanded. I looked at him and flushed. I spun around and faced the wall. "Good point but we dont have any amo smartass," I pointed out.

He sighed pulled me causing me to stumble backwards. I spun at him and almost slapped him but he stopped my hand. "You were really going to slap me?" he asked doing that cool arched eyebrow thing. I just glared. "Well maybe you shouldnt pull people and make them stumble!" I retorted.

We stared at each other for another minute and then set our plan into action. Dimitri had a pack of balloons and we began filling them. I smirked and threw one at him. He chuckled and pelt me with another one, drenching my already soaked shirt. I giggled and was walking backwards from him.

My feet slipped and I grabbed out and pulled him down with me. He was there hovering inches above me. His hair was tousled and soft. He smelled so good and his hands were warm. I looked up and him and saw that he too was noticing me. My room began to spin.

I wanted to tell him so much things but couldnt form the words to say it. We stayed like that staring at each other. He began leaning in. I steeled myself for a kiss but no, the washroom door opened and i heard the excited chatter from my friends.

"You should have seen that smirk on her face!" I heard Jesse say. They were talking about their attack on me. They were joking around a bit until Phillip made a dangerous comment. "She is so hot Nolan must have had a bawl of a time last night fucking her," I paled. That was not something i expected to hear. Seems like my friends didnt either.

I turned and saw Dimitri fuming. He opened the door and went outside raging. I heard the door slamming. That wasnt good. That one sordid comment. Phil just had to say something stupid and nasty. Thats so screwed up. "You know Phil I like you, I do, but thats not a comment you make around people. Next time keep them to yourself," I said while walking out of the bathroom.

I walked back to the tent and found Dimitri but with Julietta. She came. I was heartbroken. "Hey," I said. She gave a me a cold stare and i backed off. Dimitri didnt look pissed or anything. I sighed and got up. I guess i should probably go drown in the lake or something, I thought.

I got up and headed outside. They didn't want me near them so i shouldnt stay. I am feeling like shit. I didnt think that she would come. And i mean yes, she probably wouldnt want to leave him alone with us but he was used to it and honestly she only came probably because of me.

I walked down the lake and was staring at the crystal clear water that dazzled in the sun. It was so tranquil. Everything was quiet and peaceful. No one was making cruel comments or staring at me in a "leave me alone" way. I was calm and clearing my mind.

Suddenly i felt a hard shove and fell into the water. I heard a splash and before i could resurface properly a hand was shoving me back down. I was drowning. I couldnt breathe. I began trashing and making noise. I couldnt see anything and my need for oxygen was increasing.

Everything was going to go black in seconds. I splashed water and tried to get someone's attention. No one is going to save you, I thought. I couldnt breathe anymore. I was about to give up and strong arms suddenly wrapped around me and lifted me. I was vaguely there.

Someone was pressing hard on my chest. I spit up water. "Stop that hurts," i whispered. The arms lifted me up again and took me to the bathroom area. When i was set down then i took in who it was. Dimitri? Why? He should be pissed at me right?

I was about to say something when cold water started to fall on me. I jumped. "Dont worry," he whispered. I didnt want to be near any sort of water. Thats when it dawned on me:I almost drowned and Dimitri saved me. I looked up at him. He was looking at the water falling. I walked up and hugged him. I must have caught him by surprise because his body was rigid.

After a few seconds he hugged me back. He tightened his grip on me. "Dont worry, Im here now," he said and tilted my head up. I had no idea that I had been crying until he wiped the tears from my eyes. I buried my face in his chest and wept. I couldnt imagine why someone would want to drown me.