I Have Seen Through You

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Chapter 14:

Akira only then remembered that minato was still fighting with another special jonin…

Akira glanced at the battlefield over there and saw that Minato was struggling under that special jonin offensive. Judging by his current situation, he is not in that much of danger yet. However, Akira acted immediately to help Minato.

At the same time the special jonin who had been fighting with Minato also heard Minato yelling for help and was shocked. He immediately raised his head, only to see Akira holding Kushina on one hand and throwing out a dozen shurikens on the other.

"You think you can kill me with just these shurikens?" the special jonin sneered, and his figure quickly retreated. Seeing the situation is not good, he was already planning to escape.

"Really?" Akira's expression remained unchanged. If you look closely, all these shurikens were actually tied with Chakra strings. With a twitched on Akira's finger, he can control the direction these shurikens fly. Akira then controlled the shurikens to surround the special jonin in all directions and sealed all the paths of retreat.

The special jonin expression changed to panicked.

At the same time, there are explosive tag attached on the shuriken, which exploded the moment it touch the special jonin , killing him instantly.

Another special jonin was easily resolved by Akira.

Minato look at Akira with a complex expression, he had seen Akira defeating three special jonins. It turns out that Akira's is actually this strong? Minato had always thought that he is considered one of the best among his peers, but compared to Akira…

In the last exam, Minato was still able to fight Akira but after only a few days, Akira has improved again and progressed so fast! Minato couldn't help but be depressed.

He then look at Akira again and see Akira hugging Kushina, making his feeling even more complicated.

"Minato, thank you for helping me." Kushina also thanked Minato.

Minato heart became more agitated, when he heard her thanking him. This is because even though she was thanking him, her tone was very polite and she was doing it out of curtesy. Whereas, Kushina and Akira are very intimate.

"It is good that you're not hurt, then I'll now leave first." Minato nodded while taking one last look Akira and left instantly. He had decided to work hard so that he can catch up with Akira's strength.

Akira continues to hug Kushina after minato left.

Moonlight shine down with silver lights creating a picturesque scene.

"Let's go back to the village too." Akira smiled towards Kushina.

Kushina nodded. She, who has always been known as the Red hot-blooded habanero, is now being exceptionally gentle and soft in manner. Kushina whispered: "Okay." Then she whispered a little shyly: "Let me down first."

Akira had been carrying her this whole time!

(Akira princess carrying her)

"You are injured and feeling weak, just let me carry you." Akira said with a unquestionable tone.

kushina opened her mouth and tried to say something. But she didn't refuse his offer, as she feel reluctant to leave Akira's arms and she can feel heart thumping while being carried.

"Hey, boy, this little girl seems to have great affection for you, so you must grasp the chance well. She is also talented with lots of potential and her chakra is also very special …" The voice of the sage of the six path suddenly sounded in Akira's mind.

"Old man, shut up!" Akira was speechless, it is rare for Sage of the six path to be acting so shamelessly.

"How many times have I said that you are not allowed to call me old man! I am your sensei, show some respect to your sensei!" Sage of the six path said.

"Yeah, I got it, old man!"


Akira carried Kushina and shuttled in the dark night sky and after what seems like along time, they finally returned back to Konoha Village. (Imagine Akira princess carrying Kushina as they shuttled under the moonlight)

Upon arriving in Konoha Village, Akira found out that the village was on alert. After inquiring about it, it turned out that the village had found out that Kushina was abducted by Kumo and had sent more than a dozen jonin to chase them.

However, Minato had came back in advance, reported the news. So the higher ups of the village had learned that Akira already rescued Kushina and hurriedly called the jonins back. This event had alarmed many people in the village.

The moment Akira returned to the village, he was immediately treated like a hero.

The ninjas in the village nodded slightly towards Akira, both surprised and admiration. After learning that Akira take down three special Jonins alone, everyone in the village looked at Akira in different light.

Vaguely, you can also hear the words of 'Uchiha's genius' , 'Konoha's little hero' and so on everywhere.

"Akira, well done!" At this time, Shirakawa, the teacher of the Ninja School, rushed forward with excitement. Behind Shirakawa, are followed Choza, Shikaku, Inoichi and the others.

Shirakawa patted Akira on the shoulder, while applauding his performance. As a teacher, shirakawa Is very happy that Akira's perform so well in the rescue of Kushina.

"Shirakawa sensei, Choza, shikaku…you are all here." Akira greeted familiarly.

While talking, Akira gently put down the blushing Kushina who he had been carrying this whole time.

"Akira, did you really kill the three special jonin alone?" Akimichi Chza grasped Akira's arm while looking at Akira exaggeratedly, staring wide-eyed.

He almost thought he had heard it wrong, when he heard the news that Akira killed three special jonin alone just now.

"En." Akira nodded.

Nara Shikaku eyes also flashed a hint of surprise, not to mention choza who instantly became stunned when he receive Akira confirmation.

"Akira, you are my idol!" Choza yelled for a while and then he smiled and said flatteringly "With a busy night of fierce fighting, you guys haven't eaten yet right? Let's go, I invite you and Kushina to eat Barbecue!"

Akira and Kushina feel bad to reject the kind invitation from choza and they were indeed hungry, so they went to the barbecue restaurant with choza, while Shirakawa sensei left first.

In the barbecue restaurant, choza ate several plates of barbecue in a row and stuffed his mouth full. He also enthusiastically ask Akira to talk about today's affairs.

"It turns out that this is the case, Akira, you are really amazing…" Listening to Akira's remarks, choza nodded repeatedly, admiring Akira's battle result. He the looked at Akira and Kushina again. Choza has a strange feeling, he feel that the relationship between Akira and Kushina seems to be much closer in one night…

"Akira, Kushina, it seems like the relationship between both of you has become more intimate!" Choza's words made Kushina face blush whereas Akira's face is thick and remain unresponsive.

In one night, kushina and Akira relationship indeed make rapid progress.

"Fatty, hurry up and eat your barbecue, no one will treat you as mute if you don't talk!" Kushina was so embarrassed by Choza gossiped filled eyes that she returned to her 'Red Hot-Blooded Habanero' persona.

"The fact that you are being carried back to the village by Akira and Akira a hero who came to save you, a damsel in distress. Nobody will believe even if you say nothing happen in between both of you ~" Choza said teasingly while looking up to the sky and sigh in heart "although you keep covering up the truth, I had already seen through everything".