Reynolds Plight

In the northern part of the trial land...

A youth could be seen moving at a fast speed towards a tower.

'This place should have something good'

The youth thought excitedly as he increased his speed.

This youth is undoubtedly Reynolds. After separating from the group, he had gone through different places and could be said to have gained some rewards since he had already broken through to the Ninth stage of the Arcane Plane not too long ago.

He had gotten into different battles during this time, but none of them got to the stage where both parties wanted the other dead. Now that he had ventured deeper into the trial land, the frequency of meeting others had increased dramatically compared to the first two weeks, where they barely met others.

Entering into the first floor of the tower, he found nothing.

"Well, this place is already ransacked"

Turning around, he headed towards the second floor.

"Still nothing"