An Eighth Element?!

'What the hell!'

Grey stared at his bag in total astonishment.

More than eighty percent of the plants left that he acquired from the garden were gone, there was a time he accidentally acquired two essence stones, those were also gone. The only thing he still found complete was the stones he dug from the passage wall when he was coming here. 

He looked deeper and noticed pieces of the black egg he stole from the prince's group previously.

'Huh! Did it hatch? But why are there no movements inside the bag then, or could it be that it left?'

Thinking of what might be inside the egg, his attention changed from why the plants were gone, to where the creature might be. One has to remember that this was a creature that had been inside an egg in this place for at least one thousand years, so he was quite expectant towards what it was. If he knew the egg had been absorbing his blood for some time now, he would be dumbfounded.