Terrible Cook

The trio was currently sitting in a field, and a fire was burning mildly, with a stake set up and what looked like the remains of a pig could be seen on it.

"I have to say bud, you're a great cook. Not like some people I know." While saying the last statement, Klaus made sure to stare at Reynolds.

Reynolds was left flabbergasted, 'Why is he looking at me?' He asked himself.

"Yes Rey, I'm talking about you, you're a bad cook. No, not bad, saying bad makes it sound good, you're a terrible cook." Klaus said looking at Reynolds in contempt.

"Like you're any better." Reynolds retorted angrily.

"At least my cooking doesn't cause diarrhea, even with our enhanced organs, your awful cooking is still poisonous. I'm very confident that your cooking can easily wipe out an entire town of people who are below the Arcane Plane." Klaus said still looking at Reynolds in contempt.

Hearing Klaus' statement, Grey, Void, and even Reynolds was taken aback.