You Made It Angrier

'Are you okay?' Grey asked while trying his best to put up a concerned expression.

'No, no I'm not. This guy is too strong.' Void shook his head.

'Oh come on, it's just an oversized lizard, there's nothing to worry about.' Grey said sarcastically, using Void's previous words against him.

'How can...' Void wanted to ask Grey why he would call such a mighty dragon an oversized lizard, but he quickly shut his mouth when he recalled the scene of him telling Grey it was an oversized lizard not too long ago.

'I get it, I messed up, no need to rub it in my face.' He said.

'Apologize after fixing this.' Grey said while giving him a boost so he could continue fighting against the dragon.

This time though, he decided to help out as much as he could, although, he still planned to allow the dragon to beat Void up on some occasions, but he would distract it whenever he notices it might seriously hurt him.