Curious Experts

Grey couldn't even sense the battle that was currently ongoing, the only thing in his eyes was Void who was on his hands.

He had tried communicating with Void via their mind link, but he didn't get a reply. He was almost on the verge of going crazy, tears were already slowly flowing down his eyes. He couldn't think properly, it was like nothing else existed.

"Void, wake up." He called with his already croaked voice while lightly shaking Void.

He suddenly recalled what he promised himself while in the trial land, he said he would become the strongest so that no one close to him would face any danger. Now, he hadn't even properly left the trial land yet Void's life was already in danger. He didn't even know if he was still alive or not. His mind was a mess.

Klaus and the others soon got to where he was and Alice seeing the bloodied Void almost started crying. She liked Void, even though they hadn't spent much time together.