Shocking Discovery II

"What?!" The mayor stood up in surprise.

The others who were in the office also stood up alongside the mayor.

"The garden on the right wing by young lord Smith's room was destroyed. It was presumably caused by a fire attack." The guard outside reported.

"And where is Smith?" The mayor asked angrily.

"He is nowhere to be found, neither is master Richard." replied the guard.

"They still haven't returned?" The mayor asked with a strange expression.

"They returned my lord, alongside four youngsters. But neither they nor the youngsters have been found." answered the guard.

"Could they have left the villa?" The mayor asked a little confused.

"No, my lord. The guards at the gates didn't see anyone leaving after they came in. This means they are still in the villa." The guard replied.

The mayor looked at his guests with a little concerned face, "Please stay here, I assure you, this isn't something to worry about. I'll settle it soon"