The Boss Is Coming

"Ah!" The young man screamed in rage. 

An energy wave shot out from his body, spreading out in all directions. It managed to destroy the attacks of the inscriptions while destroying them as well. 

"Just you watch, I'll kill you!" The young man said, and to Grey's utmost surprise, the young man turned and fled. 

"Huh? It wasn't supposed to go like this," Grey said with surprise. 

He didn't chase after the young man, not because he couldn't catch up to him, but because he needed to leave this place along with Reynolds. 

A terrifying aura was speeding towards where they were fighting from the Chimera forest, and if his guess was correct, it was none other than the Chimera. 

Sensing two energies that surpassed the Origin Plane fighting close to its territory for so long must have alerted it.

'The lightning tree's essence has been exhausted, it time to leave,' 

Grey quickly disappeared from the sky. 

In the cave.