Bamboo Forest's Whereabouts

"Help, help!" 

The young man continued screaming as he ran frantically in Grey's direction. 

'Weird, but it's not really unacceptable though,' Grey thought while looking at the young man who had the voice of a lady. 

What Grey found more amusing was that the young man clearly had a masculine look with beards and a slightly well-built body, but his voice was feminine which was in contrast with his appearance. 

This was something that rarely happened, but it doesn't mean it doesn't. At first, he found it amusing since he hadn't really been in contact with someone like this, but after hearing it a few more times, he just shrugged it off. After all, everyone isn't supposed to be the same. 

He stood up, took a single step forward, and vanished. 

"Huh?!" The young man who was running in Grey's direction instantly freaked out when he saw him disappear.