Hunt You Down For The Rest Of Your Life

"We are special people who can reanimate the dead, making them do our bidding," The man stated proudly. 

"Reanimate the dead, as in bringing them to life?" Grey asked. 

His curiosity was piqued when the man said they could reanimate the dead. It was common knowledge that once someone dies unless they keep a strand of their consciousness just like what the Chaos God did, they would be gone forever. But if there was a way to tackle death, then it would be an unbelievable discovery. 

"Not exactly, it's more like bringing an empty shell, then using them to fight. They would still have the strength they possessed while they were alive, only without a consciousness," The man explained. 

Grey was stunned by this discovery, this was the first time he was hearing about something like this, so it was natural that he found it somewhat intriguing. But after hearing the proper explanation, he felt it was an evil skill.