The Day Of The Execution

Void soon formulated a plan to deal with the two old men. He opened up another space tunnel a few meters away from where he was, and when their attention was attracted to it, he left where he was hiding, opening a spatial tunnel close to the tomb. The second he appeared there, he vanished again, appearing in eight different positions in a matter of a second. 

At the time he did all this, the two old men just noticed the spatial tunnel he opened up close to where he was hiding. 

They exchanged glances as a hint of confusion appeared on their faces. If it was like before when Void would only appear in a particular spot, they could track him down, but now, in a matter of a second, over eight auras of a spatial tunnel appeared. There was no way they could know which of them was the real one, all they knew was that the one here was the first one opened up, which meant the person had left already.