It's Too Easy

Grey naturally wouldn't allow this to happen. With a blink, he blocked the path of the Dual Elementalist as he was heading in the direction of the Water Elementalist. Well, so he thought. 

Unfortunately, before he appeared to block the path, the Dual Elementalist had already gone through. 

'I hate this speed.' Grey complained when he realized he was a bit too late. 

Although the space element made traveling fast, in such a short place, the speed of the Dual Elementalist who had the light element was actually superior to Grey's. The reason for this was that the Dual Elementalist has a high elemental grade for his light element. So when Grey was creating and entering a portal, the young man could easily move through the length of the entire platform. 

Of course this was only in the case of a short range movement like this. And if Void were to be the one in Grey's place, then he would be able to block the Dual Elementalist's path.