Cripple Yourself And I'll Let You Live

Eva stared at Grey, unsure of what to say.

Grey took a glance at her but moved away, walking in Alec's direction. 

"Did you say Nathan was in Kangs City?" He asked. 

Alec nodded, he didn't know what transpired between Grey and Eva, but from her present facial expression, she could tell that it wasn't anything good. 

"I'll be leaving soon. We'll see some other time." Grey didn't dally any longer and left with Void. 

Alec walked up to Eva to ask her what was wrong. She told him about what happened, and how Grey was able to guess everything that happened. If not for the fact that she was certain that he was unconscious at that time, she would've never believed he wasn't present at the time. 

His guess was spot on, other than the fact that some people saw Grey first before she and Nathan arrived, everything else was accurate.