I Made A Promise

Boom! Bang! 

The fight continued with greater intensity. 

Nathan was putting up a great fight against Grey, even Grey was a little taken aback that he could fight this much, given his somewhat cowardly nature. 

Void was by the side, watching with the young man. They even occasionally spoke about the fight. 

Grey was fighting with five elements, six if his darkness element was added, but only he and Void knew of its involvement, so Nathan felt he was using five. 

'I thought he had only four, how can he have four? It's unheard of!' Nathan was freaking out. 

Grey's abilities were getting more ahead of his comprehension. If things continued like this, he was sure to lose. 

What was worse was that he couldn't keep this technique forever, the moment he exited it, he would enter a weakened state. At that time, even someone who just broke through to the Sage Plane could kill him, much less a freak like Grey.