A Cut Above The Rest

Grey rushed across the platform with the young man behind him, frantically trying to get a hold of him. 

Everyone could see the crazed look in the eyes of the young man. No one could say anything since the battle wasn't over yet, and if anything, he was the one in a bad state, so those from the Burchard Family were a little helpless. 

They could feel their hearts throbbing from anxiety. The young man's plan was as clear as day, 

Grey moved as fast as lightning, but the young man was right behind him. Given their small space, it was a little harder to maneuver from such a race. 

Thinking hard, Grey flew down, landing on the platform. This was the place he had the highest advantage. With the help of his arrays, he could move faster and probably might be able to even knock the young man away. 

The young man attacked with the lightning element, his attack power seemingly seeing an almost thirty percent increase.