Void's Breakthrough

Grey was stunned by the news, he never thought that the Gnomes would actually bring out a death warrant for him, they didn't even want to keep him alive or even turn him into a puppet, they wanted to outright kill him. 

Void couldn't help but mock Grey for his current situation. He had just managed to remove the mark, yet he was being hunted down. With his easily recognizable face, it wouldn't be hard for people to find him. What was worse was that he didn't know who was a spy and who was not, so at the moment, he was in danger of being killed by people close to him. 

"Do you know who are possible spies for them?" He asked the Head of the Burchard Family. 

"There are a few suspects, but we don't have any concrete evidence so we can't say for now. But everyone is aware that necromancers are one of them. Not just that, but there are also people from multiple Factions who are under their command…" The Head of the Burchard Family explained to Grey.