Sage Plane Elementalists Against An Elemental Venerable

"What are you doing?!" The young lady screamed. 

"Nothing. I promised not to kill you, and I'm keeping my promise." Grey smiled as he casually shattered the cultivation of the young lady. 

He had already restrained her from the start, so it was quite easy to destroy her cultivation. 

With her cultivation shattered, in a place like this, she was as good as dead. Grey didn't kill her, but he left her in a state where her survival was only one percent. 

"Bastard! You'll die a horrible death!" The young lady screamed hysterically, she was going crazy. She even rushed over and started punching Grey. 

"You'll not be able to witness it, I fear." Grey's reply made her even crazier. She wanted to kill this black-hearted fellow, even if it meant that she would die in the process.