Stop Him

The trio from the Syphilis Faction looked at Grey with dark expressions. They had the number advantage, and of the two in the Elemental Venerable Plane, both had a higher cultivation stage than Grey. 

"Are you moving or do you want us to make you?" The one with the highest cultivation stage asked Grey with a blank expression. 

Grey took a glance at him and replied, "Even if I go first, it's not going to change anything for you three."

"We know. But go before we do." The young man said.

The trio from the Syphilis Faction consisted of two young men and a young lady. The young lady was in the Elemental Venerable Plane.

Grey looked at them, and with a sigh, he walked toward the arena, "You better not try anything funny." 

The trio from the Syphilis Faction looked at him with a cold expression as he walked past. 

Grey stepped on the platform and the lady on said the same mechanical words. After she was done speaking, she attacked.