You Have Nothing To Do With It

Grey flew into the sky, heading for the sun. He soon came to a realization that no matter how much he flew, he could not get close to the sun. He could sense the presence of the sun, but he found out that it was like the sky was endless and the sun was at the end of the endless sky. 

After a few more minutes, he gave up and went back down. He appeared on the ground the moment he thought about going down. 

An idea struck him when this happened. If he could appear on the ground with a thought, maybe he could appear in the sun with a thought as well. 

He quickly put his theory to test and was elated when he appeared inside the sun filled with golden energy. The energy there was enough to destroy his spiritual body, however, since he was the one who had the Chaos Space, it did nothing to him. 

His eyes were wide as he didn't know when this happened.

'Could it be that it was when I was hit with the chaos wave?'