Each With A Plan Of Their Own

Grey and his friends joked around as they stayed there a while longer. 

While Grey and his friends were speaking about what to do, the Gnomes were also discussing what measures they needed to take to ensure they took Grey down.


The Gnome's castle. 

"He's too dangerous, we can't let him come and go as he pleases." The Second Prince said seriously. 

"I know. But even with nine of us, we aren't able to take him down. I'm sure if there is more, he will still be able to maneuver his way out of danger." The man who was leading the other group of Gnomes said. 

He was an expert and knew that someone of Grey's caliber wouldn't foolishly fight against them if he didn't have the confidence that he would be able to escape. Only a fool would walk into their own death. Grey wouldn't want to die, the humans also wouldn't want someone as capable as Grey to die for a few treasures, unless they don't know how valuable he is.