Beast's Bloodline?

***A.N: Apparently two chapters were messed up. Reload the last two, they've been fixed***

The next morning.

Grey and the Giants were already waiting outside to leave. The last person to come out was the young lady.

She took a glance at Grey but didn't say anything. During the past day, she had been trying to talk to Grey, but it has all been futile, it was like she was speaking with a wall. Grey wasn't even answering any of her questions, he wasn't even looking at her.

During the entire time, he had his eyes closed and didn't bother to spare her a glance.

Void came out and took a deep look at her, but he disappeared soon after. He didn't want to alert others.

The young lady was stunned, she had heard from Sylvia's brother that there was a small mysterious black cat that was always with Grey. She had wanted to ask about it earlier, but she didn't think it was appropriate, so she refrained.