Where's It?

"What sort of Magical Beast do you think they brought in?" Someone asked.

"One with a top tier bloodline. Since the array wasn't able to sense it early on shows that it is quite adept at hiding itself. We weren't able to sense it as well." The middle-aged man said to the other Elders.

They all nodded. When they saw Grey, they didn't think that he had a Magical Beast on him. Well, neither did they sense the Seelie that was on Alice. But the case of Alice and the Seelie is different given the fact that they merged, unlike Grey's case that an entire Magical Beast was completely hidden from them.

"Did anyone get the strength of the last Phoenix that appeared?" An Elder asked.

No one could answer, Void left too early, taking it with him. Since they couldn't sense the cultivation stage of the Phoenix, there was no way they would be able to know just how powerful the Magical Beast is.

"It should be powerful since it's with them."