Meeting A Family Member

It took a few days, but Alice finally arrived at the City the trio were waiting for her. The presence of four foreign Sovereigns in the area alerted the City Lord who approached them when Alice arrived.

"Don't worry, we don't plan to stay for long." Klaus was the one who spoke to the City Lord who was a middle-aged looking man.

The City Lord looked at them and nodded, seeing four youngsters in the same stage as him made him a little depressed when he thought about all the work he had to do to get to this stage, yet these guys who weren't even a quarter of his age had already achieved it.

Grey and his friends entered the City to check out all the restaurants while Alice told them of her journey to the Forbidden Zone. They also told her of their discoveries while dealing with the Necromancer's hideouts, the Gnomes and also the secret human container they found.