Planning Ahead

The Fourth Prince took a glance at Reynolds who was sitting casually on the tree branch.

Reynolds looked down at him and said, "This is not a sparring session, if you don't want to end up in the same situation as them, you better go back to where you were standing."

Klaus' words angered the Fourth Prince and he looked at his younger brother, "Will you allow these pests to speak to me like that? Better keep your dog under its lease before I show it what it means when it steps on the master's toes."

The Seventh Prince waved his hand in front of him as if to calm the Fourth Prince down, "It's not like that Elder Brother, but you see, there's one small issue."

The Fourth Prince took a glance at the Seventh Prince, waiting for his explanation, "What's that?"

"I have no control over them. They are free to do as they like." The Seventh Prince said while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.