Chapter 11: Sound-Proof Doors

In the morning I was woken up by a gentle voice in my ear telling me to get ready for the journey today. I slowly opened my eyes after rubbing the morning crusties and saw soft golden eyes just centimeters from my face. I slowly pulled my body from the warm fur bed beneath me to look out of the cave. The sun was still not up, but I could tell it would start to rise soon. I walked over to where we keep the clothes Alfie had sewn for us over the winter to grab a few shirts and pants and a pair of shorts just in case it gets hot. I wrap the clothes I grabbed for myself, Royce, and Alfie in a large animal skin and tied each corner together to seal the 'bag'. I grabbed a thin vine and tied it onto the 'bag' to create something that resembled a backpack. Once I began to slide my arms into the straps, Alfie grabbed it from my hands and opened the bag. He slipped in a few outfits I didn't recognize and put the backpack on himself. He woke up Royce and had him get ready to leave in a few minutes.

Once Royce made sure that we had packed the right outfits for him, we turned into our true forms to join the crowd starting to form in the village center. The backpack I had made fit perfectly around Alfie's wolf shoulders.

As we joined the crowd everybody greeted us, and I got to see the rest of the females that I hadn't seen yet. Many of the females were much skinnier from when I saw them last but were still overweight. Seeing the females this time was much different than the last time. Before, they were completely rude to their mates and even refused to walk on their own feet, many times being carried on the back of their least favorite mate in his true form. This time however, each female was wearing a shirt similar to how Alfie makes mine, and each walked on their own. I was hoping that they looked up to me and were trying to act like I did, but I wasn't sure if this was customary with the gathering.


We stood in the city center for a few minutes while Alfie explained how the trip would look and how long it would be. After he was finished, we started our trek just as the sun was starting to peak from behind the horizon. We headed in the opposite direction of the rising sun and into the lush forest. I had never been in this direction, and I could tell Alfie dreaded the thought of even looking in this direction.


The trip was extremely tiring and boring. We had to take a break every few hours because of the females that weren't used to being on their feet so much and the children that had never made the trek before. Each break we had taken we made sure to hydrate and eat some meat that was hunted on the way. Many females were starting to regret their decision of walking themselves and were eventually carried by a mate.

Once the sun reached its peak, the temperature reached about 75 degrees, but being under the protection of the forest, the heat was blocked for the majority of our travel. Around the same time, we met up with a few other towns who wanted to continue the trip with us. I wasn't sure if any other town knew that I was the shifter or not yet, and I worried if that would put us in danger. Another larger town could pretty easily attack the villagers if they wanted to, so I worried about the possibility of an attack for the entire trek with the other towns.

When the sun started to fall in our direct line of sight, it was hard to keep our eyes open on the trail in front of us. I turned my head to check on Royce like I had very often during our travel, and I could see the fatigue on his face. His tongue stuck out of his black lion mouth and bags started forming under his eyes. 'Alfie, how much longer until we reach the City of Forms? The villagers are starting to get tired and I am worried they won't make it to the city.' I thought looking at Alfie to see his reaction and wait for a response.

'Why don't you see for yourself?' he thought as he nodded his head to signal for me to look ahead. The blinding sunlight was shaded by giant walls made of stones. The wall had a huge entrance the size of half of a football field with doors wide open. The doors were made similar to how Alfie made the doors for our cave for winter. As we entered the city, I could see actual buildings made of stone or wood. They didn't look very safe like the houses in my world, but I'm sure they kept the elements out as best as they could without many tools. The buildings were spread all across the city. I could see the walls go as far as my eye could see, and the houses followed suit.

In the middle of the city was a gigantic tree surrounded by another wall and gate. The tree reminded me of the tree from the avatar movie with the blue people. The tree seemed like it was miles in the air and hundred of yards wide. The lush green leaves and bright red fruit covered the branches, and I could see tiny specs of people climbing around in the tree.

I was so amazed at the city structures that I failed to notice the amount of people here right away. Looking back at the ground, I could see thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people walking throughout the city. Each female was accompanied by a pack of males following them. The females here were being carried by their mates like the females were in my village just months prior. They were also very large like the females were before. I figured the females in my village had lost weight due to lack of food during winter, but really it was because they had tried to lose weight for other reasons.

As I was staring at the other people traveling in the city, I could feel Alfie bump me with his shoulder lightly and look in the direction of on of the largest houses near the middle of the city. I gained my composure once again and followed Alfie to the house. It was a large stone house with clay in each crevasse. The door was large, and a single piece of wood spanned the entire doorway. The 'hinges' were vines tied to the stones around the doorway on one side. There were no windows in the house, but I figured that was because they didn't have glass in this world. When we entered the house, there was a large bed spanning the entire first room except the center where the fire pit laid. The room behind the bed looked to be a meat storage room with piles of salt. To the left there was another doorway, but I couldn't see inside because the door was closed. I walked in to open the door to find many smaller beds scattered around the room. I looked at Royce and said, "Well, here's your room." As I moved to the side to allow his to pass me. "Is it okay if I shut the door?" he nodded his head as he started to light the smaller fire pit in the middle of the room.

I turned around to find Alfie had already started the fire in our pit and started taking the backpack off and setting it in the back right corner of the room. He turned around and our eyes met for a brief moment before I started to walk closer to the fire. Alfie met me next to the fire and we laid down in our normal sleeping position. Out of nowhere, we start to hear the moans of various females from across the city. I looked at the door separating Royce and us and noticed it is also one full pane of wood covering the entire doorway and realized it was for sound-proofing.

I looked at Alfie in front of me and his eyes started to glow bright gold. I could feel his body start to get hot and his grip on my waist started to get tighter. He pushed me onto my back as he rolled on top of me. His waist naturally slid between my legs and his bare penis started to harden against my warm crotch. My eyes started to get hot once again as I stared down at his growing penis. Alfie pinched my chin like he always does and pulled my face up to meet his. He started kissing me passionately as he slid is tongue into my mouth. I started to feel my pussy starting to drip in excitement as I wrapped my arms around him tighter and started digging my nails into his back.

As my nails sunk into the flesh on his back, he slid his penis into my tight vagina, and I let out a squeal. This had been the first time I felt his penis inside me since I had gotten pregnant, I almost forgot how natural it felt. As he slid his cock deeper inside me, he grabbed my hands in his and pinned them down on the bed next to my head. My hands were locked down under his and the sensation of being locked in place made me even more excited. My silver eyes glowed brighter than ever before as he slid his fingers between mine and under my hand. He started digging his claws into the flesh on the back of my hands and the pain just made me want more. His penis started to slide back and forth in my vagina as I moaned in unison. He started to fuck me harder and every time I tried to pull my hands up, he held them down harder. I let out a loud scream of delight as my eyes rolled to the back of my head and my back arched up. My warm liquid squirted out with each pump he made. He leaned down to meet my lips with his again and bit my lip, sucking the blood that came out of it. 'Where…' is all he could get out before I interrupted him.

Without even thinking first, I let out "Inside me." Out loud. Before I could even change my mind, I could feel his warm liquid filling me as he slowly pumped it all out. I could see his eyes change to my silver color moments before entering another vision.