Chapter 29: The First Day of Summer

The summer came around extremely slowly. Without much happening in the cave with everybody leaving me to move out, time slowed down to a near stop, it seemed.

I hadn't slept for the past two days since I was so excited about the nice summer weather and the lack of clouds and rain that I could sense in the distance. I couldn't wait to see the townspeople again and spend time with my entire family together. Doc and Alfie both somehow managed to stay up with me the entire time. Alfie normally loved his sleep and I had rarely seen him miss a night of slumber, but he stayed up the entire two days and never complained once – it actually seemed as if he was enjoying spending time as a family.

Pauline was growing like a weed, almost like Royce had after he was turned. Now, she was the size of a normal five-year-old from my world. She was extremely advanced, even for a true form. Females in this world never grew so fast, but we had figured that since she was an alpha and a shifter, it made sense why she would grow so quickly. An alpha almost always was fully grown by the time they had reached one or two, and I guess a female alpha was no exception.

When we started getting ready to go out into the town, Alfie and Doc both had stopped me from putting on my normal attire. "Baby, you have to wear a nice outfit for the first day of summer." Doc said with a glimmer in his eyes.

Kind of offended at the comment, I visibly leaned backwards and gave him a pointed glance. "Are my other clothes not 'nice' enough for you?" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned my weight mostly onto my left foot.

"No, Baby, I didn't mean it like that… Alfie?" he looked to Alfie for assistance before I shot a matching glance in his direction.

"Umm… what Doc is trying to say was… you have to wear your nicest outfit since it is the first day of summer, since you are the alpha female of the town."

"Okay, so can you help me find one of the outfits I wore at the City of Forms? I don't remember where I put them exactly."

"Or…" Doc interrupted my movement as I started towards the pile of folded clothes in the corner. "Maybe you could wear a different outfit."

"Well, the rest of my outfits are for comfort, not looks so…" I stopped as I turned around and saw that each of them was holding a matching article of clothing. "What is this?" I said as I slowly reached my hand out to touch the black and white animal skin fabric.

"We both worked together to make the best outfit for today. We wanted you to look your best while representing each of us." Alfie said with the biggest smile plastered across his face, as well as Doc's and each of them had that familiar glimmer in their eyes.

"Yeah, and we wanted you to look sexy so that all of the males gawked over you." Doc added as they held the outfit out and laid it in my arms. As I was looking down at the beautiful outfit, one of Doc's hands laid a tiny piece of fabric on top of the clothing in my arms. I looked up at him curiously he smiled seductively. "I found your old 'thong' laying around and figured out how to make one just like it to match the dress. I figured it would be nice since you don't like the 'underwear' Alfie made you."

Doc was right. The females of this world normally don't wear underwear, so Alfie had no idea how to make any. He had been making something similar to a 'boy short' type of underwear, and I HATED them. They were not comfortable at all, but I had been wearing them since there wasn't really another option.

I giggled as I tore my clothes off my body that I was currently wearing and slipped on the thong first. It was a perfect fit. The right side of it was the black leather and the left side was the white leather animal skin. They met in the middle and were sewn perfectly – Doc must have done the sewing since he was much better than Alfie. The inside was a soft cotton – I was now internally thanking myself for showing them what cotton was when I saw it on a run one day.

I turned in a few slow circles as they both took in my body. I could practically see the drool coming from both of their mouths and I imagined licking the drool from each of their faces. My stomach was aching for them both, but I knew we needed to get to the town soon to be able to spend enough time with my mom, Matty, and Royce.

I slipped the black and white horizontal striped dress on and looked down in awe. I couldn't believe they would let me go out in this. It was a spaghetti strapped backless dress that BARELY went past my hips. It was skintight on my torso and slightly flared out around my ass. When I say this dress barely went past my hips, I mean this dress literally shows over an inch of my ass cheeks at all times.

I mean, don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful dress and all, but goddamn was this thing slutty – especially for an alpha female and shifter who is supposed to be a role model. I couldn't take my eyes off of my bare legs and exposed ass cheeks.

"Do you like it?" Alfie said slowly, but I could hear him practically jumping up and down waiting for me to say how much I loved it.

"Umm… it's a beautiful dress, but you don't think it's showing too much… ass?" I smiled greatly when I said how beautiful it was. I wasn't lying in the slightest, I was just worried about looking like a stripper. I had given up my days as a stripper when I got pregnant with Royce, and let me tell you, this dress made me feel like I was going on stage to dance again – but it also made me want to dance for these handsome men in front of me.

"Is that a bad thing? We want to show off our sexy mate to every male in the town to show them what they are missing out on." Doc said as he licked his lips and looked me up and down once again.

"Yeah, and we just like to see that ass of yours." I shook my head as I laughed and started walking towards the cave exit.

"You know, being mated to you both seemed like a good idea before you both started ganging up on me and becoming 'bros' again." I chuckled some more as they jogged to catch up to me. They each took hold of one of my hands and we walked together to the town center with Pauline following close behind in a black and white striped dress that thankfully went below her knees.

I could see my mom and Matty already there waiting for us to show up. The moment my mom met my eyes, she came running to me and nearly knocked me off balance. Even though our caves were connected, she didn't want to bother us much since she had talked to Doc privately about how he was hoping to have a baby next time I am in heat. My mom LOVED Doc, almost more than she loved me. She had always treated him like a son, which I liked, but she always made Alfie feel left out since she didn't treat him the same. I understood where she was coming from, but his dominant alpha nature just wasn't something that allowed them to get along since they both always had to be right in every situation.

"I see you took up dancing again, Alyssa." My mom said as she held me back by my shoulders and looked at my dress up and down. "And no baby bump I see." She looked up at Doc with an apologetic smile.

"Mom, you know true forms only go into heat once a year, and I don't know if I'm ready for another baby yet anyways." I replied, ignoring the stripper comment she made.

"But you haven't always been a true form, you used to be a human that ovulated once a month, remember? I want another grandbaby. These kids don't stay little for long here and I need my baby fix."

I rolled my eyes and continued walking towards the crowd gathering and onlooking. I stopped when I neared Matty and almost didn't notice the change in his smell. "Matthew…come here." I said slowly as I inhaled deeply, recognizing the familiar undertones of his scent. The second I looked in his eyes, I knew what was different. "Mom. When were you going to tell me that you turned Matty?" I didn't move my gaze from Matty's Lime green glowing eyes. They had been a mix of green – for betas – and gold – for alphas. He was a strong true form, which I could have guessed since he was about six foot three inches and nearly pure muscle despite the fact that he was over forty years old.

"I was going to tell you today, but I just didn't get to it. Aren't his eyes beautiful?"

"They are unique." Alfie said matter-of-factly. "What's your true form? Wolf?" He most likely guessed a wolf since almost all alphas were, but I didn't think he would be, he was too introverted and quiet to be a wolf.

"No, I'd say a bear." I guessed and my mom smiled.

"Ding, ding, ding. You guessed it. He is a grizzly bear. Cool, huh?"

"Mom, you know you really should have talked to us first. Alfie is the alpha here, and you should have okayed it with him first before turning Matty, or at least let him know. You can't just do whatever you want here. This isn't like home; Alfie needs to know what is going on in this world and be able to prepare for anything that may happen as a result."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You turned me, so I don't understand what's so bad about turning Matthew."

"It's not a bad thing, but it is a big deal that I know that I'm going to be adding another alpha male to my town, partial alpha or not. It is also a big deal that I know who is being added to my town and when they are being added."

My mom quietly apologized as she noticed how many people gathered around us. She put her head down and followed us throughout the rest of the town for a few minutes before getting over the embarrassment and going back to her normal grandbaby talk with Doc again.


At around noon, Pauline had started to not feel very well. "Mommy, my back and my head hurt so bad. Can we go back to the cave?" her beautiful brown eyes with gold sprinkled throughout glistened in the sun as she looked up at me.

"Of course, baby. How about we let Doc take a look at you to see what he can do to help too, okay?" I said softly as I sat her down on the ground and kneeled in front of her. I looked up at Doc with concern filling my eyes and gestured for him to look at her.

When he bent down and placed his hand on her shoulder with his eyes closed, his hand instantly jerked up as if she had burned him. "Baby, step back, now." He said as he pulled my arm up just in time. Pauline shifted quickly into a unique true form as I stood up.

She was a beautiful brown and black timber wolf pup with a thick grey undercoat and fluffy tail. Her fur looked to be softer than anything I had ever seen before; I wanted to just reach out and stroke her fur but resisted. On top of her head were horns that went straight up about a foot in the air. They were just single pointed horns, but they looked to be too heavy and bulky for the rest of her body since she was still a small wolf pup.

"She's a wolf stag." I said quietly as I was gawking at her. I could sense that she was slowly trying to turn back so I took my dress off quickly and turned into a giant eagle. I spread my wings just in time to cover her body from the crowd of townspeople long enough for her to get her dress back on.

As I turned back and put my dress on once again, I could hear many of the townspeople talking about how intimidating she was to be an alpha, a female, a shifter, and an early true for. I hated that people were talking about her as if they weren't speaking just feet away from her mother; I shot them a pointed look of death and started pushing her back towards the cave. My mates followed behind me – probably loving the fact that they could watch me walk from behind all the way to the cave – and Royce, my mom, and Matty were behind them.

"Pauline, honey, we are going to help you control your shift so that you don't have to go through that again, okay?" I said as I heard her sniffling. I knew she embarrassed herself by turning for her first time in front of that many people, but I was determined to help her control it.