The big day

I woke up and looked out the window it was a beautiful day the sky was blue and the sun was shining I hopped out of bed and got dressed then looked in the mirror my green eyes sparkled in the daylight I straighten my short messy brown hair and put my black top hat I was ready I walked out of my room and went to my carnival for the grand opening at the carnival there was a crowd of people and my parents were waiting for me then my mom shouted in excitement "Oh Arthur i'm so proud of you!" then my dad chimed in "Great job son" "Thanks dad" " I got to go up there to cut the ribbon" I said "Good luck" My parent both said at the same time. I walked to the ribbon and grabbed the scissors and shouted "all right everyone i'm going to count to three and as soon as I say three the carnival will be open!" then I started to count" One two three!" I cut the ribbon and people stormed to the ticket booth and made a line.

I ran to the circus to get the show ready then I saw the two kids I saw in my dream the girl was holding a match she lit the match and was about to drop it but I ran and shouted "Stop!" but then they both disappeared where did they go? maybe it just was my imagination anyways people will be coming here in a few minutes I should get ready. I told the performers when they go on then the people came and took there seats everything was going well, then the two kids appeared again this time the boy was holding the head of my dad and the girl holding the head of my mom the heads were dripping blood. What the hell?! I ran around the carnival to find my parents then I bumped into them when they were about to get their popcorn then I Shouted "your not dead!" then my parents looked at me strangely "What do you mean by we're not dead?" they questioned "Oh its nothing" I said "Okay then?" they said in a worried tone "come on" I said "the show is about to start" they followed me and took their seats then I went behind the crowed ok the show going to start in Three two one.

I walked out to the cheering crowd and shouted "Ladies and gentleman boys and girls! Welcome to the circus! where you can see things you've never seen before!". "now our first act is tightrope walking!""Now enjoy the show!".I walked back and the tightrope walkers came out and did their show. Everything seems to be going well other than the two things that happened I guess I didn't need to pay for this. then I heard the crowd cheer after the first act then I walked back and shouted "What a show! but our next act will leave you amazed! I behold our magician" then I walked out and the magician came out and did their show. the same thing happened until all the acts were done then after a long day the carnival closed and I walked back home with my parents and went to bed then I fell asleep.

Then I saw the circus at the carnival then I went inside people were cheering and having fun then the circus caught on fire then I saw the fire spread then peoples skin started melting off as they screamed in agony then I heard a woman scream " PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME! I"M BEGGING YOU! HELP ME! I DON"T WANT TO DIE!"then she broke down sobbing before her skin started melting off and she screamed in agony then I saw the two kids yet again and they sung "The circus is burning down, burning down,burning down,burning down as peoples flesh is melting off,melting off,melting off soon the circus will be no more,be no more, be no more soon the circus will be no more and so will you."

Then I woke up another nightmare what is with me always seeing these kids? then I heard a sound coming from the hallway I walked down the hallway and heard the sound coming from my parents bedroom I opened the door and saw the two kids the girl was holding a butcher knife and was about to chop my mom's head off "What hell do you kids want!?" I screamed the girl stared at me for a few moments with her lifeless blue eyes then she answered "we want your carnival to burn down" "Why!" I screamed "none of your business" she answered "anyways we'll see you soon" then they both disappeared then a loud noise came then my parent woke up "what happened? why are you in here?" then the words came out quickly and i said "Two kids were about to kill the both of you but I stopped them and saved you but they disappeared" I probably shouldn't have said that then they looked at and said "are you okay you've been acting strange today" "no i'm fine just forget what I said good night" "okay"I walked back to my room and laid back in bed having no idea what to do.