
"Yes, yes I have" I answered "So you will do what I ask?" "Yes, yes I will" "alright then I'll show you what to do". He pulled out a book and brushed off the dust on the cover "ok then for you to put someones soul in a object you just need to say these words." "store this soul in whatever object your going to store the soul in,but I think this will be a better way you can turn people into objects for example if your going to make a puppet you need to tie puppet strings on the person and sew their eyes opened then you need to do these hand movements." He moved his fingers down and across "can you remember?" "Yes" I answered "I think you should start with puppets and dolls because they're pretty easy to make, "do you any questions?" "no" I respond "Great you have a big day tomorrow, now you better get some rest I'll see you tomorrow." "Ok see you tomorrow" I laid down and shut my eyes and fell asleep.

"so did you get him to do what you asked" asked the girl "yes I did, and I must thank the both of you." "you really did help a lot."said the figure both of them beamed with happiness"this trick really seems to work like a charm" the boy said "yes it does I think its mostly because we give them a false sense of security thinking that their ok but they're really not, and that's when you two come in you give them horrific nightmares about what they fear and make them see things that they fear and make seem like it happened but it didn't, then this lasts for some period of time until they call me back thinking that I can protect them and are willing to do what I ask to keep you two away." then the girl asked "will you share the souls with us after he collected all of them" "of course don't I always" "I guess your right you always give us our share" said the girl then she skipped with happiness her brown curls bouncing the boy watched with his chocolate brown eyes as his short wavy brown hair blew in the wind.

I woke up and got out bed and got dressed and walked to the carnival then I saw the figure and asked "are you ready?" I answered "yes i'm ready" "'are you sure?" he asked "yes i'm sure" "ok then" he said then he disappeared in a few minutes it will be showtime.