The investigation

I started sewing his right bottom lid more blood covering my needle and blood getting on my thread. I heard his muffled screams in pain I better work quick because probably by now the parents are looking for them, and I wonder why they didn't pay more attention to their kids it gave me the perfect opportunity to lure them. I finished sewing both eyes now time for the last step I got out the book the figure gave me and flipped through the pages then got on the doll page I did the hand movements then I saw a glowing light coming from the two kids there was screaming then there was silence, after the light faded out. I looked where the two kids were then I saw two wax dolls sitting Hazel was still wearing her puffy green dress and still had and Tommy still was wearing his suspenders over his white shirt with green pants. "it worked? it worked! it worked it! worked it! worked!" I was hopping in excitement "I did it!" just to make sure I touched one off Hazel's bouncy blond curls and ruffled Tommy's messy black hair I really did it. I picked up both of the dolls and placed them on the shelf if people see them they'll probably think that they're just decoration now its time to start the show.

I was frantically looking though my glassy doll eyes I looked at Hazel and saw her glassy blue eyes I knew she was feeling the same as me I tried to say Hazel are you okay? but I couldn't I tried to move my body but I couldn't all we could both do is just watch the time pass by for who knows how long. I saw Arthur walking out to introduce the first act after he introduced and came back someone came to him and said " Um sir the second act will not be available today because he is sick. So do you know what we can do instead?". "hm i'm not sure" he said the the the man looked at us and asked "where did you get those dolls?" "I found them" he said "Maybe we can use them I know its not a act but it will just be a one time thing and we can let the audience make the story to make it more fun." "alright" he said "but will just be a one time thing and I'll be the one to have the dolls ok" "ok" he answered "and one more thing" Arthur said "thank you" "your welcome sir" the man hopped off with glee. Then the first act ended then Arthur grabbed the both of us and walked out and said "Today our second act will not be here today because he is sick but instead you can make your own story with these dolls if you have a idea for the story raise your hand now lets begun." "What will be the plot?" he asked a girl raised her hand she said "they can both be on a boat riding down a river but then everything goes wrong because a storm comes in they both try to swim to shore but the storm pulls them away but they get rescued and get home safely the end." then he used a box as the boat and moved our arms for us to row then made whistling sounds as wind and shooked the box as the storm shaking our boat then everything ended then he did a few more stories by the audience until it was the next acts turn then he introduced the next act and put us back up on the shelf then the middle of the act police came and told everyone to get out for a investigation everyone left and walked Arthur and asked "Have you seen these two kids?" he pulled out a picture of us together "No" he said "Ok then but keep a eye for these two" "I will" he answered "and do you mind if we look around here to is if there here?" "no not all" he answered the police walked around searching for the two of us then one of the police looked at us and asked "where did you get these from?" "I found them" he answered "can I touch it" the police man asked "sure" "thanks he grabbed Hazel and touched her dress, hair and skin then and turned it around looking on the back side then he said "this is really high quality the skin of the doll feels baby soft and the doll almost feels real your really lucky to find this." "thank you" he said "anyways" he put Hazel down "we don't see anything suspicious so your ok." "we'll maybe look at other places because maybe they walked out the carnival for whatever reason anyways have a good day sir." "have a good day too". they left.

After the day ended I when back and as soon as I opened the door everyone shouted "Surprise!" "Happy birthday Arthur!". I looked around and saw a chocolate cake on the table "You made this for me?" "No the baker and his daughter made the cake we invited them here because his daughter is around your age we wanted you to get to know someone around your age because you never socialized with anyone around your age and anyone in general." my mom said "now blow out your candles." I blew out my candles everyone clapped and I sat down my mom cut each of us a slice we ate the cake tasting the rich creamy chocolate with each bite. After we finished my parents were talking to the baker I went outside and saw his daughter and she gave me a friendly smile "Hi how are?" she asked "I'm good" "whats your name?" "Arthur" "hi Arthur I'm Elizabeth,so what do you like?" she asked "I like making people happy, reading,walking, spending time with my loved ones." "I like to read and spend time with loved ones too and I also like to bake too." "what do you want to be?" I asked "As much as I like baking I want to become a ballet dancer because I want to perform in front of a audience hearing the cheers of the people as I dance in grace and beauty." "That sound wonderful" I said "I think so too" then we heard "Elizabeth! its time to go." "coming father" she shouted "bye Arthur" "bye" I responded. After they left I went to bed then the figure appeared "did get any?" he asked "Yes I did two kids one boy one girl the boy looked around seven or eight and the girl looked around nine or ten." "good good keep up the good work I'll leave you be now." "thanks I said then he left. I laid my head down on my bed and shut my eyes and fell asleep.