The Monster Within

A little while after they started to look for the mermaids. They came across a bridge, in order to get to the island that is at the center of them all, they had to cross it without knowing what danger they might have to face, when Mira stepped onto the bridge, she had a strong feeling of darkness coming from the island, "Anton something here is really evil" she said, "Rumple do you know anything about this?" Anton asked, "of course not, i am not god" he replied, "it is okay, we do not have much time left, lets go" the girl said, everyone crossed the bridge with her. When they stepped foot on the island and looked up it was one of the most beautiful view ever, "wow it is amazing here" Julian said, "yeah it is amazing and dangerous too" Mira replied, "now we have to fine a waterfall there we should meet someone or something who can show us the way to the mermaids" Lily said, " if we don't find anyone then, i will have to use my magic to find them" Rumple replied, everyone walked deeper into the forest, they came across different types of animals until they reached a huge waterfall, there they took some rest, had lunch and took a look around, they then found a fairy whose name was Isabella, "you people are tress passing, why are you here?" she asked, as she stared at Mira , "we would like to meet the mermaids" Lily replied, the fairy glared at them and flew towards Mira "you have something really dark in you, the question is are you the one that is going dark or is there something else to this story" she said, "how about you stop talk in riddles and tell us what we need" Mira replied in anger, "Mira!" Anton exclaimed, "what it seems like everyone here is just wasting time, you better start talking" Mira replied, Lily and the others swallowed heavily "you need to calm down" Anton said softly to her, "i apologize for that can you please tell us what we need to do" Anton asked the fairy, the fairy smiled "you need to go beyond the waterfall, there you will be in a new land, that is where you will find the mermaids, but be warned there is bad things on these island that is really powerful so be careful" she said, "okay we will ,thank you" the prince replied, as she gave them the information each of them held their breath and entered the waterfall, a few minutes later, when they opened their eyes they were on another island, it was a beautiful sight, "seems like we made it" Eugene said, Rumpled looked at Mira and noticed that she was starting to look a little pale "hey are you okay?" he asked, she smiled "yup i am uh fine" she replied, "we have to find the shining river" Anton said, "well it looks like it is over there look" Lily said, "yeah you could see the shimmering of something in the sky, lets check it out" Anton replied.

Everyone followed the prince until they arrived at the shimmering river, "seems like we found it, now we have to call upon the mermaids" Anton said, "how are we going to do that?" Angelina asked, Mira walked around a little on the warm sand until she found a shell "hmm i heard you could use these shells to call out to people" she said to herself, the girl then placed her lips on the shell and made one blew, everyone jumped, for the sound of the shell had echoed all around them, "why did you do that?" Amy asked, "i thought made you could use this to call out to them" she replied, Anton smiled and turned towards the water there he saw a whirlpool was forming "uh guys who knows how strong a whirlpool is?" he asked, "why?" Ash asked, "well umm there is one forming right now" he replied, "oh well they are on of the strongest force of nature" Mira replied, "well i do not think this is nature's doing, it started to happen after you blew that shell" he replied, a minute later a merman swam up, as the whirlpool went away, they were astonished "why are you people here?" the merman asked, "we wanted to see one of you guys, we need help" Mira replied, they half fish stared at her "Mira" he asked, Anton glared at the guy, "yes that is me" she replied, the guy then bowed down to her "huh umm how do you know my name?" she asked, "there is someone who would like to meet you" he replied, "one minute half fish, are we supposed to just trust you?" Anton asked in a rude way, "yup" the guy replied, "the queen of Oceania is here to see you" the guy said, a big wave raised up, a few mermaids arrived and then a girl walked out of the water, they bowed before her "they have legs too" Ash said, "yup" Amy replied, "Mira do you recognize me?" the queen asked gently, "i am sorry i do not" she replied, the queen smiled "i am the girl you met at the inn when you were like 11 years old and i was same age" she replied, "Mariam" Mira asked, she smiled saying "after all these years", they then hugged each other "i am sorry about what happened to your father" she said, "it is okay, i am glad i got to see you again your highness" she replied, "so you two know each other?" Anton asked, "yeah we were friends" the queen replied, "what brings you all the way here?" the queen asked, they sat down and told her everything that has been happening "well i think i can help" Mariam said, she took them to another part of the island where ancient ruins were, "wow what is this place?" Mira asked, "here has a lot a secret about the past both bad and good, be careful, there are really bad things here" she said to them, Mira started to breathe heavily "Mira what is it?" Rumple asked, "guys there is something really dark here" she said, "get her outside now" the queen exclaimed, but before they could take her outside she fell to the ground screaming.