(The Nightmare Rift)

Hat Kid and Hornet teleport off the ship into the howling cliffs. They begin their walk to the Grimm Troupe tents while Hat Kid explains what Hornet needs to do. "Ok, so, Hornet, point this end of the tube at Grimm and blow into this end of the tube to shoot the dart and put him to sleep."

"Have you seen how fast that creep reacts!?"

"Yes, but there will be a moment when he is focused on himself and I."

They continue walking through the windy cliffs as Hat Kid keeps a smug look on her face.

"And that moment is?!" Hornet demands in the windy silence.

"Oh, right. Grimm and I will bow before we dance, which is when you take the shot. Try to get it in his arm so it acts quick."

"His arms!? They're so skinny, and he usually has them in his wings."

"Right, but when he bows it'll be exposed which means you can hit it with ease."

"Ok, so I'll sit in the audience and when he bows; exposing his arm, I take the shot?"

"Exactly, you got this."

They arrive on the outside edges of Dirthmouth where the Grimm Troupe tents are.

They enter the main tent to see Grimm's servant Brumm waiting. "S-save us." He says as if he is not himself. Hat Kid pats him and gives him a calm nod of reassurance.

They enter the dark showroom. "The audience seating is up there so get in position, Hornet."

"Okay... is anyone else going to be watching?"

"Uh, last time there were some blob things with masks but I don't know, it's really dark at the moment... they could be watching us right now." Hat Kid whispers.

Hornet jumps into the dark audience seating and ready's the blow gun. Hat Kid steps into the middle of the stage and calls out to summon Grimm. "Hey Grimm, come on out!"

Grimm poofs out of red mist in front of her. "I sleep too; you know? Nevertheless, I sense the child is ready to accelerate growth once more with another dance, where is he?"

"Oh... he'll be here soon..." She looks away for a moment with nervousness. She clears her throat. "Shall we rehearse until he arrives?"

"Yes, but first I want to apologize for my master's behavior against you." Grimm poofs away and poofs back with a timepiece in hand. "I hope this can make up for it, I found it just sitting in the royal waterways. It wasn't broken so it's certainly not the one I took from you and lost."

Hat Kid stands in awe as he hands it to her. "T-thanks." She puts it away in her hat.

"Let the dance begin." Grimm says bowing.

Hat Kid bows back. "Yeah I learned my lesson." She looks at Grimm's exposed arm as he bows with grace. She hears the quick sound of air fly by her ear, next thing she hears is Grimm screaming once more like before. Grimm starts to wobble around trying to grab Hat Kid. She back dashes quickly as his screaming dies down and he falls to the floor unconscious. Hat Kid lets out a sigh of relief.

Hornet gives Hat Kid a happy wave from the audience and jumps down. "What a performance, Hat Kid, the bow you bowed was unlike anything I've ever seen!"

"Don't get smart with me, spider." Hat Kid says taking out her mask. She looks at it for a moment while Grimm's body lies on the stage floor.

"Good luck, time traveler." Hornet tells Hat Kid.

"See you soon, Hornet... I hope." She puts the mask on and her vision goes red. Hat Kid screams and throws her mask off her face; scattering backwards frantically. Hornet rushes over to Hat Kid.

The frightened child tries to cling to Hornet's dress hysterically and wildly. "Th- h... terro- madne- craz- Hornet!" Hat Kid rambles with fear in her eye.

Hornet holds onto her, trying to comfort the frightened girl. "It's ok, you're ok, kid, just relax."

Hat Kid steadies herself after a few minutes. "There- was a seal. Let me- catch my breath."

"Yeah, take your time, kid."

Hat Kid gets up and inspects the sleeping nightmare moth. "When I tried to enter, I was met with a seal that really messed with my mind. The fire would have consumed my mind if not for the void on my hat... I felt it fight to protect me. Thanks void." Her voice says with hesitation.

Hornet signs with disappointment, "So what now, kid? How do you plan to get in?"

Hat Kid takes the new shining timepiece out of her hat. "A wise mafia man once said, "Timepiece hit mafia in head, and now timerift filled with mafia thoughts and dreams." Hat Kid lifts the timepiece above her head. "Stand back, Hornet, this might be my only chance at entering the nightmare realm, and the most pecking dumb idea I've ever had." She stares at the shining timepiece above her head.

After a moment's breath, she cracks it open over Grimm's head and it creates a small explosion, but luckily Hat Kid was prepared for whatever might have happened and covered her face as she was blown back a bit. The timerift glimmers a deep scarlet.

"Red? Is that good, kid?" Hornet asks.

"This is going to be a literal nightmare." Hat Kid claims, stepping into the rift with courage.

Hat Kid awakes in a patch-cloth like world. "I've been in stranger looking dimensions." She taps her foot on the squishy floor. Hat Kid continues down a long hallway with a red light at the end of it. The light leaves her vision and she makes out a similar figure to Grimm, looking over a large; beating red object.

A totally red and more sinister looking Grimm speaks to her. "Have you come to kill me, child?"

"Ehhh... no, I'm here for the Nightmares Heart."

"Ah, you must think Grimm and I are 2 separate beings, but I shall tell you that he is merely a vessel for me in the waking world, though he is allowed free will from time to time."

"So who exactly are you then?"

"I'm so glad you asked, KiD. I am... The Nightmare King! But you can still refer to me as Grimm for your convenience. May I ask why you have changed your ways? You sought to help me grow the nightmare child and now seek to eradicate me... why?"

"I want to free him from your clutches so he can live without his only purpose being to vessel another soul."

"How noble, now let us dance... till you die in endless fire!"

He dashes at Hat Kid without a moment's rest and picks her up by the throat while she tries pulling his arm away. "I could kill you right here, kid, but... let's have a little fun hahaha." He puts his other long clawed hand over her face as she kicks her legs in the air. After a moment, he lets go and teleports away in red mist.

"Come back, coward!" Hat Kid yells holding her head. "Hey void... you got any advice now that I'm asking."

"..." The voices in her head don't respond.

"Didn't think so, now where did Grimm go? Is this considered talking to myself?"

A bright colorful explosion materializes above her and someone falls through, landing on top of her.

"Hat Kid!" A voice yells at her.

Hat Kid picks herself up to see her friend Bow Kid. "What? No hello, are you ok? Where have you been?"

"No, I'm not here for you, I'm here because of some missing timepieces in this dimension. Did the TTA send you as well?"

Hat Kid doesn't say anything and just thinks to herself.

Bow continues checking her timewatch.

"Gee, Bow, I've been through a lot, I was really hoping you of all people would have some concern about me, being one of my only real friends and all..."

"Yeah, whatever, I'm out." Bow Kid pushes her timewatch and her body starters warping in and out of existence.

"Bow!" Hat Kid frantically jumps at Bow but passes right through her.

"Hat- Ki- Helppp-" Bow explodes into multiple bloody blue pieces.

Hat Kid begins shaking at the trauma she's just witnessed and tries not to panic as Bow's blood is all over her but breaks down crying.

Grimm poofs in laughing uncontrollably.

"You enjoy this chaos don't you?" Hat Kid say's sobbing.

"Oh you sweet ignorant child. None of that was real, just an illusion! Hahaha."

Hat Kid looks on in shock as Bow's blood disappears off her outfit. Grimm starts hovering around her in a circle. "I've seen the kind of nonsense you pull and the trouble you cause in your journeys, all you do is cause problems for others. I mean, look at what's happened to Tiso because of your interference in this world."

"T-that wasn't my fault, if he got that timepiece he could have hurt himself and others."

"But he wouldn't have known about there power without you would he? And the indirect chaos you time travelers cause, don't even get me started."

Hat Kid stands up and watches Grimm closely as he circles her, lecturing her on why the TTA is bad. Hat Kid tunes him out for a moment and focuses a cyclone slash.

Grimm continues talking, "Hat Kid... you of all time travelers can see why you people aren-" Hat Kid releases but Grimm dodges it. "Striking an opponent when they're monologuing, nice one, child."

She swings at him over and over but he continuously dodges her swings effortlessly with a menacing grin on his face. "I know what you're trying to do, kid, go ahead and tire yourself out, it sure doesn't bother me."

"Just shut up!" Hat Kid yells as she keeps swinging meaninglessly. Her swinging slows as she tires out.

As she falls to her knees; Grimm catches her and holds her up by the throat again and hovers over her face. "You think your fancy chemicals can keep me asleep forever? Magic always overpowers science. I shall awake once I figure out a ritual to cleanse my body of your toxins in the waking world."

Hat Kid rolls her eyes smugly. "Yeah, ok." She thinks to herself. "How do you know so much about what I do?" She asks.

"My scarlet eyes see almost everything that goes on. You think those feeble hOnOrAbLe mantis will stand a chance against my endless slaves of the nightmare realm? Their spirits possess those who wear the masks of my troupe in the waking world, obeying my every command."

"I know the mantis tribe won't be able to stop your army... that's why I'm here." She says coughing from the pressure on her throat.

"Hahaha, you really are something aren't you, kid. Put up some theatrics for me as you die and scream."

"Like I'd give you the pleasure. Kill me slowly and see what happens." She says staring into Grimm's burning red eyes.

Grimm takes the fury of the fallen charm off her hat. "Can't have this charm save you in your time of need now can we. Shame... perhaps my new vessel; your so-called Snappy will scream for me as I possess his body."

"NOOOOO!" Hat Kid yells in rage, causing black n white spirits to shoot out above her and scar the nightmare king's face with void and soul.

He throws her behind him and grabs his scorched face. "You think... I fear the wretched void?" He wheezes, "Shadow and fire dances soo prettily."

Hat Kid feels the void course through her spirit as she goes to pick up her weapon. Void mist stretches across her arm and consumes the blade. "Now you're coming through for me." Hat Kid says tired but with relief.

"Haven't had such a dance in a long long time." Grimm opens his wing and sends fire spirits at Hat Kid. She retaliates by throwing her hand forwards and shooting a shade soul to counter it. The two forces collide, causing a red and black explosion. "What a performance! Why I haven't been this entertained since the Pale King abandoned all his children. Hahahaha!" Grimm starts rapidly spewing more flames at Hat Kid and she starts dancing around to dodge them.

"Come at me, coward!" Hat Kid mocks.

The nightmares heart starts to beat faster and its eyes open up. Grimm poofs away and poofs back in the air begging a spiral attack from above. Hat Kid dives below him and abyss shrieks at him once more. He turns to the side quickly and tries to counter with a wing slash but is met with the sharp edge of Hat Kid's void blade to his wing. Grimm screeches and skitters away from Hat Kid with his leaking wing.

He hisses at her in distress. "You're quite worthy, strike me down, kid! And help continue the endless song."

"No thanks." Hat Kid says running over to the nightmares heart, jumping on top of it.

"What do you think you're doing, child?"

"Severing this realm from the waking one!" She desolate dives down and tears open the nightmares heart. Hat Kid abyss shrieks around inside while also slashing the insides up with her void blade. The void stretches around inside the nightmares heart and begins consuming it.

Hat Kid jumps out and sees Grimm twitching. "Shade Lord!? No it couldn't possibly be, you're no higherbeing."

"Nope, just a time traveler." She says with a smile.

"You've killed me, this realm will collapse on itself any moment now, how do you plan on escaping? Your real body is here in the nightmare realm, you'll die right alongside me hahahahaha!"

"Oh peck! You're actually right! Where's the timepiece; quick!"

"You really think I'll give it to you!? How delusional."

"Have some compassion... don't make this hard."

"Hahahaha! Nice try, kid."

Hat Kid picks up her nail and cuts his other wing. He screeches once more in pain, "Do your worst, child!"

Hat Kid rages out and abyss shrieks in his face, killing the nightmare king as his eyes start leaking void and his body twitches. After a moment, she pushes him over and he plops lifelessly. "I'm actually going to die here..." She sighs.

The void that was scattered on her body and her blade disperses away. "Guess you don't have a way out for me this time, huh, void." The realm begins collapsing and a bright light flashes above her.

Hornet pops in with a timepiece in her hands. "Hey, I hope you don't mind I-" Hat Kid grabs Hornets arm without a question, then hits some buttons on her timewatch next to the timepiece.

They flash out of the nightmare realm and materialize in the grimm troupe tent. Hat Kid grabs Hornet and holds her tightly.

Hornet hugs back. "Oh, heh, this reminds me of when you first hugged me, you were so saddened." She says.

"You know, Hornet... I could have killed us both doing what I just did. The timepiece must have worked correctly either because it's a completely different realm or that once the nightmares heart was engulfed in void, it broke the seal in there."

Hat Kid stops hugging and Hornet sighs, "Kid, don't think about any of that right now, ok? Just take it easy."

"Alright, that's definitely a good idea, but where did you get the timepiece?"

"Oh, that, I bought one from Sly, he said he found it in one of the rich areas of the capital city."

"That's great news since the one I broke over Grimm's head has disappeared."

Hat Kid walks over to Grimm's body and injects him with the sleeping antidote.

Grimm wakes up highly disoriented. "I-I'm completely free?"

Hat Kid and Hornet help Grimm to his feet. "Grimm, my... friend? You are the friendly Grimm right?" Hat Kid questions.

"Yes, I have no urge to scar your face, ow! My head."

"So, Grimm, what are you going to do now that you're free from the nightmares heart?"

"I-I... don't know."

Hat Kid thinks long and hard for a moment. "Wellll... what do you say to being a parent."

"To you? Definitely not."

"Harsh, but no, to your... actual child."

"Ah, that nuisance, sure, but you keep him for a bit and let me collect myself for a while."

"Sounds like a plan, Grimm, keep it."

Hat Kid and Hornet head to Mantis village to retrieve Snappy.

"So you're going to give up Snappy to Grimm, Hat Kid?" Hornet asks.

"I think he should be back with his true parent who now has free will."

"Must have been a hard choice since you've been with him for so long."

"Well, I think his place is here and not going on such dangerous missions with me across the universe. That's what I have Roombi for haha."

They arrive at the village to find the Mantis Lords playing with Snappy. The mantis notice the two and position themselves more seriously. "Wow, kid, you look horrible!" One of the mantis lords says.

"Why thank you." Hat Kid say's without a care.

The Mantis Lords hand Snappy back to her. "We seemed to notice that Snappy's eyes were glowing more brightly than usual. Not to mention that he started attacking us randomly. But he soon after grew larger and actual wings out of nowhere. He then calmed down and started rolling around."

Hat Kid adjusts her hat. "The Nightmares heart is dead and the nightmare realm is no more. I shall now hunt down your traitor lord."

"Wow, you don't rest, do you, kid?"

"Oh I will... I will." She says limping away with Snappy in her arms.

The three head back to Hat Kid's ship and teleport aboard.

"Hey, Hornet."

"Yes, Hat Kid?" Hornet asks.

"I'll fight the traitor lord another time so for now... come with me, Hornet. See the outer universe for a while."

"I suppose so, but we have to come back soon and you have to help me find a living vessel."

"Done, and since I now have enough timepieces to make it to the TTA HQ, that's where we're headed for all the supplies we need." Hat Kid throws her new timepiece into the vault and sits in the ship's control station. She inputs a few coordinates and points at a blue button. "Would you like the honor, Hornet?"

"Oh, okay!" Hornet says enthusiastically hitting the button, sending the ship to zip into the fragile universe of time and space.